Chapter 1496

"So, are you unwilling to give him the antidote?" Duan Muyi looked at Di Kongxuan who was obediently sitting aside, feeling a little headache.

Di Kongxuan stretched out his hand, slapped the Seven Treasure Blade on the table, and said sharply: "If you don't give it, you will die."

Duanmuyi burst into tears.

Dude, I know that you are decisive in killing and attacking, and what you said is murderous enough, but you with Xiaobai personality can't make any trouble right now.

Mo Zhanfeng snorted coldly, the young man's eyes were condensed, he turned his head and left.

Knowing that Mo Zhanfeng needed the spiritual fire in his body, Duanmuyi was a little relieved.

At least she still has a little bargaining chip. If something happens to Dikong Xuanzhen in the future, she can still use it to negotiate terms with Mo Zhanfeng.

The next urgent task is to refine the spirit fire.

Conquering the spirit fire is already dangerous and dangerous, but she can still feel the rejection of the spirit fire.

Her sea of ​​consciousness is just a temporary dwelling place for the spiritual fire. If she wants to truly use the power of the spiritual fire and become a pharmacist, she must let the spiritual fire enter the meridians and merge with the spiritual energy.

But this will have to wait for Di Kongxuan to recover.

Now, he probably can't think of how to refine the spirit fire.

But this time, Dabai's personality seemed to stay for an extra long time.

The three of them stayed in this small town for more than half a month, until one night, Duanmuyi noticed some indescribable reaction from the man who was clinging to her bed.

She opened her eyes quickly, and before she could see the expression of the person in front of her, she was already swallowed by his hot breath.

The night was not clear, and the room was filled with holographic candles. With her eyes closed, Duanmuyi could feel his familiar aura surrounding her.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and raised her hand to press his forehead.

"Don't make trouble."

"These days, you just slept with him like this?" Di Kongxuan bit the tip of her nose as if punishing, "Why did I tell you last time, don't get so close to him."

Duanmu smiled: "He is you."

"No." Di Kongxuan denied in a low voice, raised his hand to brush her eyebrows, and said against her earlobe, "Do you like him or me?"

Duanmuyi asked with a smile: "Then do you like her or me?"

Him and her.

Dikongxuan and Duanmuyi looked at each other across the air, and after a while Duanmuyi smiled: "I like the person in front of me right now."

Admitting that you like it is actually not that difficult.

I've admitted it, what about you?
"I once heard a saying—" Di Kongxuan lowered his eyes and smiled slowly, "The person in front of you is the person you love."

Adapted to the dark sight, he could vaguely catch his dazzling smile, like a night goblin, sneaked into the room, threw herself on the bed, and sucked away all her soul.

Duanmuyi raised her hand to hook his neck, and rolled into a ball when the blanket was rolled up.

After a while, the quilt was lifted, and Di Kongxuan sat up: "It's almost a bad thing, no—"

"You can't?" Duanmu raised his eyebrows.

Di Kongxuan turned around and bit her hard on the lips, and said, "Your spirit fire hasn't been refined yet, has it?"

"No, that kid Mo Zhanfeng has eyes on the top of his head, and I don't want to ask him for help, so I've been waiting for you." Duanmuyi said.

"Mo Zhanfeng?" Di Kongxuan raised his eyebrows, where did this wild man come from?
Duanmu realized that he didn't know yet, so he explained, and Dikongxuan understood.

He originally thought that the leader of the black alliance was either a human being or a spirit beast.

Looking at it now, since spirit fire is needed to temper the body, it can be seen that it is definitely not a spirit beast.

(End of this chapter)

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