Chapter 1498

She must uncover the mask on Duanmuyi's surface, and let everyone see who is the real genius!
"I received news that they are in the territory of the Yuandong Empire.

It just so happened that Emperor Yuandong was going to celebrate his fiftieth birthday, which was a grand event for the entire vast continent.

All countries will send envoys to go, and several major families of the Spirit Race have also received invitations, and my father intends to let me go. "

Seeing that her mood had stabilized, Duanmu Shenzhou continued, "I plan to take this opportunity to have a good talk with her.

They are all a family, sister Yi is sensible and will definitely come back. "

Duanmu Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and smiled: "Brother, take me with you, I promise not to cause trouble this time."

"I beg you, you are asking the wrong person." Duanmu Shenzhou smiled, "The second elder is also going together, I have to listen to him."

"Second Grandpa loves me the most, I'm going to talk to him right now!" Duanmu Xiaoxiao said happily.


To refine the spiritual fire, it is naturally impossible to rely on Duanmu Yi's mere mortal body.

Yeyue Lingquan was an excellent thing, but it was a pity that it had been used up to save Duanmuyi, not to mention how much remained in her body, even if it was there, it would not be of much use.

Therefore, before Duanmuyi refined the spirit fire, Dikongxuan prepared a large table of medicinal materials for her.

"Aren't you a pharmacist?" Duanmu asked looking at the table full of herbs.

Di Kongxuan was counting, and when he heard this, he glanced at her, how could he not know what she was thinking: "Don't worry, I'm not as good as you in this."

"Ahem——" Duanmuyi's little thought was shattered, and he was a little embarrassed.

She casually picked up a dead vine of ice vine fruit, looked at him and asked, "How come you never mentioned your seal spirit fire to me?"

"It wasn't worth using it before, not to mention the special spirit fire of the seal, I had to rely on it to maintain the seal in my body.

Once I use it, the seal will be easily broken by my spiritual power, which is disadvantageous no matter what. "Di Kongxuan said, "Since that's the case, it goes without saying. "

Duanmuyi snorted and said with a smile: "I think you are hiding a trick, waiting for the last moment to blind everyone's eyes."

Think about the shock, anger, envy, jealousy when the elder in charge found out that he was carrying the spiritual fire... This series of emotions, the old man was overwhelmed.

Therefore, it is right to save the ultimate move until the end.

Refining the spiritual fire needed a place that would not be disturbed. The two of them searched all over the nearby deep mountains and old forests, and finally chose a cave behind the waterfall.

Mo Zhanfeng did not know when he followed, but his feet were still suspended three inches above the ground, and he was determined not to touch the muddy ground, and even his robe was not allowed to be stained with dust.

He glanced around, his face looked haggard after not seeing him for a few days, but he was still indifferent and cold.

"It looks like you're not getting enough sleep." Duanmuyi said while tidying up the cave.

Mo Zhanfeng said coldly: "There is neither a beautiful maid nor a cloud quilt. You want the leader to sleep in such a ghostly place?"

Duanmuyi and Dikongxuan looked at each other, and curled their lips helplessly.

Dikongxuan raised his hand and waved a wave of spiritual power to seal the cave entrance, then took out the medicinal materials and started the preliminary preparations.

Duanmuyi sat cross-legged at the side, and began to concentrate on resting his mind.

There was silence in the cave for about a quarter of an hour, and the silence was finally broken by Di Kongxuan's voice.

"Release your spiritual power to form body armor."

(End of this chapter)

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