Chapter 1499

Strands of silver-red spiritual power flowed out around the body, and a layer of body armor was quickly formed.

But immediately after, another silver-black spiritual power gushed out of the body along another meridian, and the armor gleaming with weak lightning power was attached to the outermost layer.

Mo Zhanfeng, who was leaning on the side, suddenly straightened up.

"The power of tribulation and thunder... This is the power contained in the meteorite..." His eyes sharpened, and he looked at Duanmu and said coldly, "So it fell into your hands!"

Duanmu thought it was hard to say.

She could clearly feel the power of thunder and lightning hidden in the blood of the monster race.

It's just an extremely weak point. Compared with the majestic spiritual power in the blood of the spirit clan, it can be said to be a small stream.

Who knew that such a moth would appear at this moment.

Di Kongxuan's voice sounded again immediately afterward: "Don't pay attention to him, embrace Yuan Shou Yi, release the heart of the spirit fire, and use your soul power to control it in front of you."

Mo Zhanfeng frowned, and was about to speak when Di Kongxuan turned his head to look.

The man's gaze is cold and powerful. He who has walked in the world for more than 200 years knows better what it means to fight to the death and protect than Mo Zhanfeng, who has been trapped in the black alliance for more than 700 years.

There is only one message in his eyes - if you dare to touch her, you will die.

Mo Zhanfeng was not afraid of death, nor was he afraid of Di Kongxuan.

He just understands that Duanmuyi's life is the most useful to him now.

Her blood essence and her spiritual fire are all things he needs.

He lowered his eyes and turned his eyes away.

With a sound of "poof", the temperature in the cave suddenly rose, and a small cluster of spirit fire hearts danced a foot in front of Duanmuyi's eyebrows.

The surrounding rocks began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And Di Kongxuan's hand also began to move quickly, and he threw the elixir one by one into the heart of the spirit fire in order.

The huge and vast spiritual power controls the temperature of the heart of the spiritual fire, lest it burn all these elixir.

Although he is not a pharmacist, simple fire control is not difficult for him.

The elixir was simply extracted, and the colorful liquid was mixed in the spirit fire, and the transparent inner flame was dyed with different colors, making it even more gorgeous to look at.

Seeing that the time is ripe, Di Kongxuan said: "Now use your soul power to pull the heart of the fire fire, swallow it into your belly, and walk around the sky."

Duanmu did as he said, without even thinking about whether his fragile viscera could withstand the burning of the spiritual fire.

What he says, what she does.

The soul power spread from between the brows, gently wrapped the heart of the spirit fire, and swallowed it directly into the mouth.

The entrance of the spiritual fire flowed down the throat like magma, and all the organs, viscera, and meridians along the way began to twist, twitch, break, and wither quickly...

The viscera, which were originally extremely fragile, could not withstand this blow at all. If it were not for the protection of spiritual power and soul power, Duanmuyi would probably be burned to ashes in an instant.

But even so, she couldn't bear the pain, and opened her mouth to spit out a pool of blood.

The blood fell on the ground, and actually burned a hole in the hard rock.

"Shoushen, hold on." Dikongxuan stood beside him, refined the remaining elixir into liquid medicine, and put it into her mouth, but he didn't go forward to help her.

To refine the spiritual fire, you can only rely on yourself.

It takes a narrow escape to succeed.

Duanmuyi gritted his teeth, continuously urging his soul power to wrap the spiritual fire, and forcibly...

(End of this chapter)

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