Chapter 1500

Forcibly pull it along the meridians.

And the spirit fire seemed to have sensed something, and began to struggle more violently.

Duanmuyi's mind vaguely sounded like that voice without warmth: "A mere Golden Core stage cultivation base, but you also want to refine this seat? Wishful thinking!"

Duanmuyi ignored it, the vast and majestic soul power filled her meridians at this time, and a jade-white mist appeared around her body due to the escape of spiritual power, thick like clouds.

Hold on.

There was only this one thought left in her mind, frantically dragging the berserk heart of the spirit fire, and walking along the meridian route of her own exercises.

One lap, two laps, three laps...

After a full eighteen laps, the repulsion from the heart of the spirit fire finally gradually weakened.

Duanmuyi's consciousness was on the verge of collapse, and he forcibly stayed awake relying on the remaining obsession.

She believed that as long as she could refine the spiritual fire, her cultivation would definitely improve greatly.

After an unknown amount of time, the skin on her body was cracked and blood stains spread all over.

However, the meridians in the body gradually changed from chapped to healed, and the medicine continued to take effect.

The remaining power of the Yeyue Lingquan that she had taken before also began to seep out from all parts of her body, repairing her damaged viscera.

Di Kongxuan stood in front of her from the beginning to the end, his eyes were calm, but his tension could still be seen from his clenched fists.

He knew that one mistake would result in death.

Her hatred made her take risks.

Because he knows it, he supports it.

He will use all his strength to protect his girl.

Before the last moment came, he was willing to let go and watch her gamble for himself once.

"From now on, try to draw the heart of the spiritual fire into the dantian."

Duanmuyi didn't know if she heard it, maybe it was guided by some hidden rules, after the heart of the spirit fire no longer resisted, she led it to the dantian.

She didn't notice it, and Di Kongxuan didn't see it either. Mo Zhanfeng, who was standing at the entrance of the cave, smiled contemptuously, his eyes were cold.

Just when Duanmuyi introduced the docile spiritual fire into her dantian, an extremely powerful force hit her dantian fiercely.

The golden core that had been spinning at high speed was shattered in an instant, and the spiritual power of the meridians all over her body was in chaos!

The spiritual fire suddenly rose in the dantian, hula la like a prairie fire, unceremoniously enveloping the entire dantian.

The voice without emotion sounded again.

"Stupid woman! If you want to refine me, let's see how I will devour you and refine you!"

Duanmuyi's dantian was burned almost instantly, the golden elixir melted into a puddle of water, and the beads of the power of thunder and lightning were also shattered and submerged.

The severe pain made her lose all her strength to resist, her delicate face instantly withered, and hot blood flowed from her seven orifices.

"Yi'er!" Di Kongxuan turned pale with shock.

Although it was a thrilling time when he was refining the spirit fire of the seal, he had never encountered such a thing. Everything went well, why did something happen suddenly at the last moment?

The center of his brow sank, and the spiritual fire of seal spread all over his body. He stepped forward and put his hand on the center of Duanmuyi's brow.

Duanmuyi twitched, struggled, and screamed in pain, and had already lost all consciousness.

Di Kongxuan knew that the worst had happened, but luckily he was still prepared.

He sat cross-legged in front of Duanmuyi, squeezed out his fingers with both hands, and after the heart of spiritual fire in his body trembled slightly, he slowly broke free from his dantian.

Mo Zhanfeng, who was standing aside, frowned slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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