Chapter 1501

It is very difficult to refine the heart of the spiritual fire, once refined, it is the natal spiritual fire.

To forcibly break away from the dantian, the only way is to destroy the dantian and exchange life.

Now, does Di Kongxuan want to use such a method to suppress the spirit fire of the domain?
To some extent, the Spiritual Fire of Yin has been stored in his body for 200 years, which is indeed enough to suppress the spiritual fire of Domain. With his guidance, Duanmuyi's crisis can be solved.

But Mo Zhanfeng knew that the spiritual fire of the domain was not as simple as the world thought.

In the final result, it is very likely that Di Kongxuan died, and Duanmuyi could not be saved.

A thought came to his mind, and he sighed unexpectedly.

"I'll do it." He stepped forward and put his hand on Di Kongxuan's shoulder.

He is neither a human nor a demon, and he doesn't have the kind of burning emotion that Shi said that he would accompany his life with him. It's just that he has never seen anyone who is willing to give everything for another person.

Is such a strong, selfless feeling what they call love?
Mo Zhanfeng looked slightly cold, and shook his head mockingly.

In his opinion, it is really irrational to give up everything you have for another person.

Di Kongxuan turned his head to look at him, his eyes were already red, as if he could bleed with Duanmuyi in the next moment.

Mo Zhanfeng said lightly: "If she dies, where can I find such pure blood.

The spiritual fire of the domain is one with me, and I can suppress it. "

"..." After a moment of silence, Di Kongxuan let go of Duanmuyi's hand, and said in a deep voice, "If she has any good or bad, I will let you be buried with her."

"I can save her, but in the future I will share her life with her. If you kill me, you will also kill her."

After Mo Zhanfeng said in a cold voice, he took two steps back, staggered his hands together, and it turned into a black streamer, which rushed into Duanmuyi's body.

The deep black was extremely cold, and as soon as she touched Duanmuyi, layers of ice armor formed on her body.

A moment later, a huge ice ball was generated in the cave.

In the extreme cold, it was the fierce resistance of the spirit fire.

"Mo Zhanfeng, this seat has nurtured you for 700 years. You are not grateful to this seat, but you actually help others to refine this seat! Shameless! Shameless!"

"If it wasn't for the string force of the Black League to seal you, you would have destroyed the Black League and left."

"Shameless! Shameless!"


The reason why the Yuandong Empire became the largest empire in the Cangyang Continent and the head of the five great empires was not only protected by the two ancestors of the Yuanying stage of the royal family, but also because of the empire's popular mechanism techniques.

From national heavy equipment to civilian farming tools, all of them have the most advanced mechanism skills.

At the entrance of the Imperial City, the morning light just came out, the huge city gate was dragged by the gears, jumped over the wide moat, and made a loud noise when it landed.

The light armored guards stood on both sides, and the tracks started to run smoothly.

"What is this, have you passed the security check?" A family of three lined up behind the crowd, with a young child in her arms, were whispering.

The man standing next to her has a beautiful face, narrow and long eyes, like a natural style, but unfortunately his eyes are dull, like a blind man.

Around his waist was a delicate jade gourd with a black tassel dangling.

Hearing what the woman said, he turned his head and asked, "Security check? Is it another name for the city gate?"

"Er..." Duanmu smiled distortedly, "That's right, the household certificate is checked outside the city gate, isn't it just for..."

(End of this chapter)

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