Chapter 1571

He Erchuan, who just rushed back to the Yuandong Imperial Capital yesterday, said with a gloomy face: "If Feng Lan's army and our Hull cavalry hadn't fought the enemy to the death, I am afraid that even our Hull Empire would have fallen last month.

Fortunately, it is now autumn, and it is not suitable to fight for a long time. The black alliance also urgently needs to integrate its internal forces, so there is a short truce. "

"Your Majesty Hull has worked hard." Emperor Yuandong finally spoke.

His eyes flicked over the corpse of Daoist Jingleizi, stained with iron and blood, and said in a deep voice: "The Black League is too deceitful. Our ancestors did not kill it 200 years ago. As descendants, we must not humiliate you!" Ancestral prestige!"

Queen Fenglan got up and said: "This king suggests combining the strength of the four countries to form a heavy armored army.

This king has teamed up with the Lord of Hull, and has seen the impact of the monster army on the battlefield. Ordinary infantry and cavalry can't produce effective confrontation at all. Only the heavily armored army can resist. "

Lord Ross frowned slightly: "The formation of a heavy armored army will cost a lot of financial and material resources. Whether we can form a sufficient number of troops before the spring of next year is even more of a problem."

"It's better than doing nothing," Heerchuan said.

Everyone was silent. All the people present were high-level political figures from various countries. Only He Erchuan and Queen Fenglan had seen the attack of the monster army with their own eyes, and only they had the purest right to speak.

So the plan to jointly form the Heavy Armored Army was finalized.

"All countries already have heavy armored armies. Although the number is not large, they are still a group of initial forces. From now on, we must form a heavy armored army with a million troops before the spring of next year."

The words of Emperor Yuandong represented the direction of the future war.

It doesn't take a lot of effort for a million soldiers, and Yuandong alone can come up with it.

But one million heavily armored troops, that would be an extremely terrifying number, and it would also be an extremely terrifying consumption of the resources of all countries.

However, the enemy is now, and no one opposes it.

"Is there still no news from Mr. Di?" Emperor Yuandong asked instead.

Everyone present shook their heads, and He Erchuan's face was even more ugly.

He stabilized the internal government in the Hull Empire, and was delayed for more than five months because the black alliance drove the army of monsters to invade the border of Hull.

Now it is the beginning of August, when he left, the peach blossoms began to bloom, and when he came back, the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus spread throughout the palace.

But the person he wanted to see was not here.

At this moment, He Erchuan saw the stunning woman sitting on the side of the hall.

He knew about the existence of this person a long time ago, because Sihua Pavilion is in charge of the blossoming of all flowers in the world, and there are many believers in the Hull Empire, and as the owner of Sihua Pavilion, she often goes to and from the royal families of various countries.

Because of her stunning appearance and good social skills, royal families from all over the world regard her as a guest of honor.

Because of this, her silence today is very inappropriate.

Thinking this way, he asked this question. He Erchuan has always been so forthright.

"Pavilion Master Xin seems to be preoccupied?" he said, "I wonder if Pavilion Master Xin has ever noticed the whereabouts of Di Kongxuan and Duanmuyi?"

After being called by his name, Xin Xuerou slowly raised her head, her eyes were calm, even a little indifferent.

"Why should I pay attention to them?"

He Erchuan said in surprise: "I thought Pavilion Master Shen would pay special attention to Di Kongxuan. After all, in the entire hall, you are the only one who survived the disaster 200 years ago with Di Kongxuan."

(End of this chapter)

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