Chapter 1572

Xin Xuerou said extremely calmly: "The elder in charge of the Black League must have obtained some kind of great opportunity. This kind of opportunity is not in our space, but in a higher and farther place."

None of the lords understood, but Emperor Yuandong and Daoist Beishenzi both understood.

Bei Shenzi's cultivation was close to that level, and Emperor Yuandong naturally understood the most because he was in the highest position in the world.

"That distant place, none of us can reach it." Xin Xuerou continued, "Even Di Kongxuan couldn't, because he is stupid.

Therefore, it is useless for you to wait for him, and there is no need to include him in the plan at all. "

For 200 years, she sealed her cultivation forcefully, silently waiting for the return of her loved one.

Maybe this kind of thing is very touching in the script, it can make countless idiotic men and women cry, even the former Xin Xuerou was envious and moved by it.

But now Xin Xuerou feels more and more that Di Kongxuan is stupid, very stupid.

So he died, in the Mountain and Sea Spirit Realm, in Zhangtan on Fengshan Mountain.

She buried him and that bitch with her own hands.

Xin Xuerou didn't believe that the two of them could survive under such a powerful sky thunder.

Heaven's punishment has never been able to be countered by manpower.

What was going on in her heart, no one here knew.

Xin Xuerou seemed to feel that the explanation was not clear enough, and then said: "This is no longer a war where the outcome can be determined only by a certain advanced cultivator. In my opinion, what this war needs is instead The will of all the people on the mainland is united."

"I experienced the war 200 years ago with Di Kongxuan, but besides me, there are many hidden elders in the Spirit Race who know about it, so it makes no difference whether Dikongxuan is present or not."

Following Shen Xuerou's words, the hall fell silent.

Not long after, Lord Ross asked a more realistic question: "Since that opportunity is so strong, is there any hope for our heavy armored army against the Black Alliance and monsters?"

"Yes." Xin Xuerou replied firmly, "Because chance is just chance after all."

The power behind the chance comes from a higher and farther world. That world and the vast continent they live in are irreversible. It is impossible for those golden immortals and great gods to pass through the barrier of rules and come here.

Therefore, the power borrowed is borrowed after all, and the chance is only a chance after all.

Without the real strength as the background, then the heavy armor army in the human world still has a [-]% chance of winning.

The topic was brought back to discussing the details of the formation of the Heavy Armored Army. In the end, no one cared about the whereabouts of Di Kongxuan and Di Kongxuan.

As Xin Xuerou said, since Di Kongxuan is not here now, there is no need to think about him at all.

The human world is facing a huge crisis, no one has the time to care about him and Duanmuyi.

Except Heerchuan.

That night, He Erchuan sent a letter to Hu Yuexi who was still in the Hu Er Empire.

Because he had to guard against the riots of the army of monsters and maintain the stability of the new regime of the Hull Empire, He Erchuan, as the new ruler, had to go to the Eastern Empire to discuss countermeasures, so Hu Yuexi who went with him became his last choice. Rely on the helper.

But now that the situation has changed, he has no choice but to invite her back.

If there is anyone in this world who can find out the whereabouts of Di Kongxuan and Duanmuyi, Hu Yuexi is probably the only one.

(End of this chapter)

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