Chapter 1585

This feeling can be said to be fate, perhaps it started very early, when the Fenglan Empire was recognized as a righteous daughter by Lord Li, and was recognized by Queen Fenglan's imperial edict.

Duanmu Shenzhou stood not far away, his eyes fell on Duanmuyi, and then on Hu Yuexi, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, as if he wanted to say something, but in a blink of an eye he saw both of them entered the tent, so he could only swallow the words in his mouth , turned and left.

He Erchuan did not leave.

He followed into the tent.

Duanmuyi turned around and saw him, and said, "What are you doing here?"

"I must know his identity." He Erchuan said.

Duanmu raised his forehead, and Hu Yuexi suddenly reached out and grabbed him: "It's done, I know his identity, and I'll tell you."

With that said, he pulled him out.

Finally, there were only the three of them left in the tent. As a precautionary measure, Duanmu let go of his domain spirit fire and enveloped the entire tent within his own domain, before he took out a small jade bottle from his bosom.

When Mo Zhanfeng smelled the medicinal fragrance, he stood up abruptly.

"Live up to expectations." Duanmuyi looked at him and said with a smile.

Mo Zhanfeng took it with his hand, sniffed it carefully, and made sure that there was nothing wrong with the elixir. He looked at Duanmuyi again with a bit of warmth in his eyes.

"Thank you." He said, turned and left, as if he couldn't wait to recover his soul power.

In the black alliance, he feeds the spiritual fire of the domain, and at the same time, the spiritual fire of the domain helps him solidify his soul, but this must be a huge project.

After 700 years, he has finally reached the final step, but he is only short of this pill.

The successful refining of Yuling Pills meant that the day he refined the elixir was the day when he would truly transform into a human form.No one knows how much pain he has suffered in order to take human form.It is easy to transform the body, but it is difficult to conceive the soul. Only when the body and soul are together can one be a real person.

Since ancient times, monsters, spirit beasts, and spirit grasses have been transformed into human forms.

But there has never been a record that the elixir can be transformed into a human form.

And Mo Zhanfeng will become the first legend in ten thousand years to cultivate human form with pills.

Yes, Mo Zhanfeng's body is a pill.

It was also because of this that he was able to save the dying Duanmuyi when he left the Black League.

Finally, all the people left, and the calm in the camp was restored.

Duanmuyi turned around, opened his arms towards Dikongxuan, and said with a light smile, "Hug."

Dikongxuan's worries turned into deep thoughts, he stepped forward in two steps, spread out his arms, and wrapped her tightly.At this moment, his heart, which had been empty for three months, finally settled down.

Don't worry day and night, just hold on tightly.

After a moment of silence, Di Kongxuan said, "I never thought that refining Yuling Pills would take so much time."

His words went unanswered.

He looked down, Duanmuyi had fallen asleep in his arms.

Di Kongxuan: "..."

Duanmuyi was really tired and sleepy. In order to refine Yuling Pills, she spent the next two years in the Shanhai Lingyu, basically did not sleep, and relied entirely on meditation to restore her soul power.

However, the recovered soul power is far from enough for her to consume while refining medicine, so she overdraws her soul power almost every day.

At first, it was to study the prescriptions, and there was no mistake in every detail. It was really because the medicinal materials of Yuling Pills were too difficult to find, and it took her and Hu Yuexi a full year and a half to find them all.

(End of this chapter)

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