Chapter 1586

After studying the prescription, start a fire to warm up the alchemy furnace.

The alchemy stove was bought by Huocheng Mountain for her before she entered the Shanhai Lingyu. It is said that it was left by a first-grade alchemist more than 300 years ago, and she is not afraid of the spiritual fire.

The process of refining medicine was more difficult than she imagined, and compared with the refining of Longxuan Dan, there were many more details.

After refining the elixir, it is still necessary to warm and nourish the elixir with spiritual fire until the medicinal power reaches its peak state.

After Duanmuyi left the customs, he learned from Hu Yuexi that more than a year had passed.

On the way out of the Mountain and Sea Spiritual Realm, because she heard that the monster army and the heavy armor army had fought several times, and the defense line was about to collapse at one point, she didn't care about rest and rushed directly from the Yuandong Imperial Capital to the front line.

Because she knew that Mo Zhanfeng would definitely go to the front line.

Only by allowing Mo Zhanfeng to regain his strength and fight against the elders in charge of the Black League will he be sure.

But now, Duanmuyi leaned against Dikongxuan's arms, and finally got a moment's rest.Her head was dizzy, and she fell asleep almost instantly.

In the dream, she saw tall buildings rising from the ground, large iron birds flying above the clouds, the intricate traffic network in mid-air, and a girl standing on top of the building.

The girl was wearing a tight-fitting leather jacket, with a gun and two boxes of ammunition pinned to her waist. The binoculars in her hand were pointing in a certain direction, but for some reason, it seemed that she was looking at herself.

Duanmuyi remained silent.

But the girl said: "The traitor is dead."

"Why do you say that? Let me rest in peace?" Duanmuyi asked with a smile.

"It was K who killed you for you. He visits you every Qingming Festival," the girl said.

"How tall is the grass on my grave?"

"No grass, someone will clean it for you."

Duanmuyi looked at the clear sky, feeling in a trance.

"Maybe you never belonged to this world." The girl said, "Since you were abandoned when you were a child, you were destined to leave here."

Duanmuyi murmured: "What do you want to say?"

The girl smiled, her smile was arrogant and stubborn: "Xiaoyi in the past, Duanmuyi now, will be the strongest from the beginning to the end."

After she finished speaking, she dropped the binoculars in her hand, turned around and jumped out of the building.

The vigorous figure pierced the sky, and there was an explosion sound from the 32nd floor of the building, but she had already landed on the opposite floor, and disappeared as soon as she turned around.

The sky rolled towards her like a vortex, and Duanmuyi's head began to dizzy again.

"Duanmuyi!" The shout in her ear brought her back to reality.

Duanmuyi opened his eyes, it was already daylight, the next day.

She rubbed her temples, sat up, and looked at the man in front of her.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Di Kongxuan handed her a glass of water.

Duanmuyi shook his head, drank some water, and said he wanted to go for a walk.

The spring breeze outside was still a bit chilly, Duanmuyi wore a long robe and walked up the hillside, what he saw were continuous camps, and further away, the wind brought a bloody smell.

That dream may be a real farewell.

She came from the previous life and was reborn in this brand new world. All she has to do is to stand on the top of the world again.

If she still misses the past world, this will be the biggest obstacle to her road to becoming strong.

But last night's dream really made her let go of the past.

Perhaps it was because of the huge loss of soul power during the refining that he had such a dream.After waking up from the dream, she felt the incomparably powerful spiritual world.

(End of this chapter)

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