Chapter 1587

She sat cross-legged and closed her eyes slightly.

The soul power spread out invisible, and it was thousands of miles away in an instant.

She can feel the wind and grass in every inch of the land, the friendship and submission of all animals and plants to her breath, the warmth of the spring breeze behind her, the harmony of the people, and the grievances beyond the black line ahead. roar and resignation.

At this moment, she seemed to be on the sky, with a panoramic view of thousands of miles of territory.

Duanmuyi smiled slowly.

Beside her, Di Kongxuan stretched out his hand and brushed the air, sensing the fluctuation of her soul power.

Not far away, Mo Zhanfeng stepped forward: "Her soul power is already stronger than her spiritual power."

"It can be regarded as a blessing in disguise." Di Kongxuan said.

Refining medicine until the soul power was exhausted, a little carelessness would lead to dementia. Fortunately, after waking up from a dream, she recovered so quickly, and even jumped into another realm.

Mo Zhanfeng said: "I'm going to retreat, before I leave the customs, don't have any conflicts with the black alliance."

It is said that it is a black alliance, but in fact there is only one elder in charge to pay attention to.

Di Kongxuan didn't respond, but turned around, looking towards the side of the black line with his hands behind his back.

War will always come.

The war has come.

Just as Duanmuyi's soul power spread endlessly, on the other side of the distant black line, in the palace of the Lunan Empire, there was a person in a long black gown who raised his head as if feeling something, and looked in this direction .

"What a powerful soul power..." He casually tossed the gray hair beside his ears aside, his eyes were black on the left and red on the right, surrounded by black and red demonic aura, making him look strange and terrifying.

"The elder in charge." A deacon in black walked over lightly behind him.

When he turned his head, the dark left eye opened its huge mouth like a monster, enveloping the deacon in the black air.He only heard him say in a cold voice, "What do you call me?"

The black-clothed deacon's legs trembled, and he quickly changed his words: "My emperor! My subordinate, my subordinate has something to report!"

The black air retracted into the eyes like tentacles, the elder in charge turned his back and said, "Did you find the trace of that bitch?"

"Yes, the horoscope has sensed the lord... Ah no, Mo Zhanfeng's breath, his soul power is gradually increasing!"

"It's soul power again..." The elder in charge narrowed his eyes slightly, his scarlet right eye was like a sea of ​​blood churning, as if another strange force was brewing in his eyes.

After the black-clothed deacon stepped back, the body of the elder in charge trembled slightly, and immediately after that, streaks of redness filled his body, covering the entire palace like a thick fog.

The elder in charge let out a muffled grunt from his throat, and then, as if suffering from great pain, he roared and knelt down on the ground.

A ray of red light shot out from his right eye, and then landed on the throne above the main hall.

Under the red light, there was an extremely tall figure, and the throne seemed to be just a small bench under him.But he was still sitting on the throne as firmly as Mount Tai, and he could vaguely see that he rested his chin on one hand, as if he was very tired.

"My emperor..." The elder in charge, who was still arrogant just now, suddenly collapsed on the ground, wriggling like a dying maggot, and kowtowed to the person on the throne.

On the throne, the tall figure in the red light made a thunderous voice: "That woman's soul power is so powerful, it's just what this emperor needs.

You go and catch her, and when I devour her soul, you will surely be able to achieve great success! "

(End of this chapter)

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