Chapter 1609

Hu Yuexi scolded angrily: "You are like this, he is like this, the whole army is supported by you two, how long do you really think you can last?"

He Erchuan raised his eyebrows, touched his beard that he hadn't shaved for several months, and said with a smile: "He? Are you talking about Mr. Duanmu?"

Hu Yuexi took back the medicine bowl and snorted, "I won't tell you anymore!"

"Who messed with the little princess of our Yaozu?" The curtain was lifted, revealing a sweaty face.

He Erchuan stood up happily, and went forward: "Queen Fenglan, you are finally back!"

Queen Fenglan rushed to the front line starry night, and she was also exhausted at this time.She waved her hand, sat down in the tent, took the water offered by Hu Yuexi, took a sip without a queen's demeanor, and then said: "It's probably because those people saw that I was no longer a threat, so they let me go back." .”

He Erchuan smiled coldly: "If the enemy is not present, this king will never allow them to be so presumptuous."

"How is the battle going?" Queen Fenglan leaned over to read the battle report on the case.

Suddenly there were hurried footsteps outside, and the whole camp became noisy. Duanmu Shenzhou ran over first, and Jiang Sui followed him unhurriedly, and also walked in.

"What's going on outside—"

Before He Erchuan finished speaking, he was interrupted by Duanmu Shenzhou: "Enemy attack!"

In July, the hottest night in the middle of the night, when the coalition forces were exhausted, all the monster army was dispatched, flooding the camp at the end of the black line like a black tide.

However, at this critical juncture, Jiang Yi, the most powerful supporter in the entire army, left only a hasty farewell and disappeared into the long night.

According to incomplete statistics, about [-] cultivators fell in this battle, tens of thousands of light cavalry died in the process of retreating, three coalition generals died, and countless wounded.

Now they have retreated to Xiguan City of the Fenglan Empire, which is also the most border city of the Fenglan Empire, which will be the border of the Fenglan Empire in the future. The people have received the notice from the government and started to organize an emergency retreat.

It is conceivable that after this major retreat, the pressure on the Ross Empire and the Yuandong Empire will increase again.

Regardless of dissuasion, He Erchuan went to the wounded camp to visit the wounded in person with his injured arm hanging.

"Your Majesty." The wounded soldiers looked at him one after another, the slightly wounded stood up and saluted, and the seriously wounded also saluted him with respect.

From February to July, during the five-month war, Heerchuan, as the lord of a country, endured hardships with the soldiers, and often stayed up all night to study the battle situation and formulate strategies. He had already gained the support of all the soldiers. Respect.

Although he also has the cultivation base of the golden core stage, he is just an ordinary person. Without the strong body and will of a cultivator, he can persist until now, which is really rare.

He Erchuan looked at the injury, with his intact left hand hanging by his side, trembling slightly.

If the armored army hadn't retreated, the battle last night would never have been as complete a defeat as it is now. At least, they could still hold the camp.

But now, there is no plain land enough to support the charge of a million heavily armored troops, and the future battle situation will only become more and more unfavorable to them.

"I'll borrow soldiers." Queen Fenglan looked resolute.

"Shen Hui is not easy to talk to." He Erchuan said.

Queen Fenglan sneered: "It's hard to talk, now that the battle is in front of us, does he still want to let the army of monsters conquer the vast continent!"

(End of this chapter)

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