Chapter 1610

He Erchuan pressed the center of his eyebrows wearily, and immediately said murderously: "Let Mr. Duanmu send two practitioners to follow you. If Shen Hui refuses to agree, then kill his grandma!"

Queen Fenglan: "...OK!"


There is a forbidden place in the depths of the Jialan tribe, and only the patriarchs can enter it in the past.Ying Lan waited anxiously outside the forbidden area for a while, and finally Jiang Xin came.

"Patriarch, inside—"

Jiang Su pressed her shoulders and signaled her to calm down: "I'll go in and have a look."

Half an hour later, a flash of light suddenly flashed across the barrier of the forbidden area, and Jiang Su fell out clutching his chest, fell to the ground, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Ying Lan was terrified, and quickly supported him: "Patriarch, what's wrong with you..."

Jiang Xin stood up with support: "It's okay, let's go first!"

Back at the residence, Jiang Su asked Yinglan to fetch the medicine, while he set up a magic circle in the room.He suffered serious internal injuries in the forbidden area, and the magic circle at this time almost drained his strength.

Fortunately, Yinglan came back in time and stuffed the medicine into his mouth.

"Is it because of this war?" Ying Lan had never seen him in such a state of embarrassment, sobbing, "Did they know you violated the rules and punished you?"

Jiang Yi shook his head: "It's not them, they can't hurt's the rules themselves."

"What?!" Ying Lan covered her mouth and tremblingly saw that he took off his clothes, and there were wounds all over his body.

String force, only string force can hurt him without any effort.

The unraveling power of the Black League Academy is so powerful, let alone the string power of the rules themselves?

Jiang Su looked up at her and frowned slightly: "Tsk, why are you crying? I'm not dead yet."

Yinglan angrily threw the wrung-out cotton cloth on him, seeing his trembling eyebrows in pain, she felt relieved, and a moment later felt that the pain was on him, and it was not herself who was tortured, it was really boring.

"Come here, let me hug you." Jiang Su looked at her and said.

"Bah." Ying Lan said, but still walked over, letting him hug her, "What are you doing with this magic circle? Do you want to meddle in those outside affairs?"

Jiang Yi smiled, with a gentle expression, but his eyes were frozen: "Naturally."

The string force punishment he suffered today made him understand one thing more clearly - sometimes the rules are ruthless, but since he was born at this time, he is no different from a human being, so he is naturally sentient.

If the sky won't allow him, he will try to break the sky.

He can't do it alone, there are Di Kongxuan, Mo Zhanfeng, and thousands of practitioners and ordinary people.

"Even if the Jialan tribe will cease to exist?" Ying Lan asked.

Jiang Yi patted her waist and said with a smile, "No, this is our home."


Duanmuyi moves and turns in the jungle, sometimes jumps over the bushes, sometimes swings over the high branches, and not far behind her, a sinister tornado is chasing after her.

In the past four months, Duanmuyi was besieged by miasma in the canyon, sandstorm in the desert, and raging fire in the ruins...every time he went down a tower, he encountered a disaster that was irresistible to manpower.

Fortunately, she has the blood of the Yaozu, and this Mustard Seed Pagoda is in the Yaozu Inheritance Hall. Every time at the last moment, there will be a mysterious force to pull Duanmuyi back to the gate of hell.

Even so, Duanmuyi was already covered in injuries.

What worried her even more was that she had descended more than a dozen floors of the tower, but she still hadn't met Di Kongxuan who should have been able to meet at the fifth floor tower.

(End of this chapter)

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