Chapter 1612

Duanmuyi rarely felt dizzy: "How many floors does this tower have?"

Di Kongxuan said: "There is no definite statement, it varies from person to person."

Fortunately, Di Kongxuan came up from the lower floors, and found a way to deal with those disasters. The two of them didn't stop for a moment, and finally walked into the bottom tower.

As expected, there was no danger at the bottom of the tower. It was almost the same space as when Duanmu Yi first turned into the tower. It was dark in all directions, and when he stepped on it, it seemed that he was stepping on the mud.

Di Kongxuan took out six luminous pearls from the spirit ring, suspended them around, and finally illuminated the space.

However, what they didn't expect was that the bottom of the tower turned out to be a tomb!
"The top of the tower is a medicine cauldron, and the bottom of the tower is a tomb. Could it be that they want to refine the owner of the tomb?" Duan Muyi frowned slightly.

Di Kongxuan shook his head: "No, if it is to be refined, the medicine cauldron should be at the bottom, and the tomb should be at the top. With the current arrangement, I think the owner of the tomb must have been an excellent alchemist during his lifetime."

Right in front of the two of them stood a tombstone with mysterious and strange characters, even with Di Kongxuan's extensive knowledge, he couldn't figure out what it was about.Behind the tombstone is a jade coffin, which reflects faint green light under the illumination of the night pearl.

Duanmuyi felt that the green light was unusually warm, so he couldn't help but took two steps forward.

The green light suddenly became brighter, and a picture suddenly flashed.

In the picture, the white-haired old woman looked back at her, smiling kindly: "My child, you are here."

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, then looked at Dikongxuan.

"Don't look at him, I'm talking about you." The old woman said.

Duanmu asked: "Are you the owner of this tomb?"

The old woman nodded: "Or to put it another way, I am the owner of this mustard seed tower."

Duanmuyi was startled, and thought of a possibility: "Could it be that you are that nine-tailed sky fox?!"

The old woman laughed, but did not answer her: "When you see me, you will naturally know."

"Seeing are not dead yet?!" Duanmu Yi was surprised again.

The old woman said: "What is death and what is life? Aren't you also born after death?"

Duanmu Yi lowered her eyes, and her heart seemed to miss a beat—she came from time travel, and for this body, she died first and was born later.But, how did the old woman know?
"Young man, come here." The old woman beckoned to Di Kongxuan again.

The corner of Duanmuyi's mouth twitched—a young man in his 200s?
Di Kongxuan stepped forward and saluted respectfully: "Senior Fengluan."

"Hehe, there are not many people in the Cangyang Continent who can know the old woman..." The old woman smiled even more, "The descendants of the Dijiang clan are really different."

There are luan birds in the world and they wear colorful feathers. It is said that they can protect the peace of the world.

Di Kongxuan didn't answer the words, he knew that ostriches usually don't show up, and it must be because of this big battle that they alarmed her.

"Do you know why I came to you?" the old woman asked.

What she said was very strange, it seemed that Duanmuyi wanted to come here by herself, so why did she ask them to come here?But in fact, if Duanmuyi hadn't sensed that there was an aura calling her from the Yaozu secret realm, she wouldn't be so anxious to come here.

"For this battle?" Duanmuyi asked.

"This war is a continuation of the war 200 years ago." The old woman said, "And you are the key to this victory. Human life is too short, and few can live 200 years. Only you and Xin The three of Xuerou survived."

(End of this chapter)

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