Chapter 1613

Duanmuyi frowned slightly: "He and Xin Xuerou did survive 200 years ago, but I didn't."

"You are." The old woman smiled gently, "You have the life of the third life, it is you, it is her, and it is also his her."

It's you, Duanmuyi.

It's her, Xiaoyi.

His, her... Duan Muyi looked at Di Kongxuan, and murmured: "...Xin Ruqing?"

The old woman said again: "You can accept that she is you, why can't you accept that she is you?"

Duanmuyi found it extremely absurd - Xiaoyi was naturally her, she clearly remembered all kinds of things in her previous life.But how could Xin Ruqing be her?She doesn't remember anything at all...

At this moment, Duanmuyi suddenly remembered that two years ago in Fenglan Empire, she went to the plum garden behind Nanshan Temple in order to find the bones by the stream, and a picture flashed in her mind.

The scene of fire, Di Kongxuan who flew in, and the girl who fell in the scene of fire.

There is also that sentence: "Big ice cube, you should smile more in the future."

Could that be her memory?

"Memory is the most deceiving thing. Whether you remember it or not, it does not prevent you from being you." The old woman ended the conversation with a smile, "I will wait here for you to figure it out. When will you figure it out? , come to me again anytime.”

"No need to wait." Duanmu Yi raised his head and said, "I think clearly. Please tell me, senior, what should I do?"

"Taking the world's contradictions into your own hands, maybe you can find a ray of life for the Cangyang Continent." The old woman said.

"A glimmer of life?" Duanmu Yi and Di Kongxuan looked at each other. They had been in the Monster Race Secret Realm for four months, and they didn't know what the outside situation was like. They always thought that there would be no problem with Jiang Sui.

Has there been an accident?

The old woman said: "All living beings have greed, especially monsters. They are extremely eager to turn into a human body, or turn into a god. You are their desire."

"You mean, my essence and blood?" Duanmuyi asked.

"Both Heimeng and Zhuyan know that you are carrying the purest blood, but they strictly kept the secret and did not let the monsters know, so the monsters are willing to drive them and intend to occupy the vast continent." The old woman said, "If you release the news, transfer The battlefield, attracting the attention of monsters, may have a chance of victory."

Duanmu said: "Transfer the battlefield, to the Spirit Race?"

The old woman nodded, and said immediately: "Inside the jade coffin is the inheritance power of the monster clan in the inheritance hall. It will take about two months to refine it. You don't have much time. I suggest that you split up."

The picture disappeared, and the voice of the old woman also faded away.

At some point, behind the two of them, a small courtyard was built out of thin air, and when they pushed the door open, everything was available.

The two of them didn't bother to think about the words left by the old woman, so they fell asleep first.

Duanmuyi hugged Dikongxuan's waist, and the moment he closed his eyes, he made a decision.

Then she fell into a dream and saw the girl clearly.

The girl is beautiful, with a bright smile, and she is watering the flowers in the yard with her sleeves rolled up.Seemingly hearing something, she turned her head to look, her eyes were carefree.

The appearance was different, but at that moment, all the past memories flooded into Duanmuyi's mind.

She remembered the meeting and acquaintance with him at the beginning, and also remembered the parting of life and death later.

"Let's get married." Duanmu Yi said directly to Di Kongxuan after waking up.

At that time, Di Kongxuan was still in a sleepy sleep, and was awakened by her words. He raised his arms and looked at her, with doubts, excitement, disbelief, and ecstasy in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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