Chapter 1614

"Are you serious?"

Duanmuyi burst out laughing, pulled his cheeks and said: "A girl has the courage to propose to you, yet you still ask me if I'm serious? Scumbag."

Di Kongxuan: "..."

The groom-to-be, Di Kongxuan, who was inexplicably dubbed a scumbag, jumped up from the bed, pulled her and said, "Let's go, let's go out now!"

Duanmuyi: "What are you doing out there?"

"Get married."

"If you don't go out, it's here."

Duanmuyi pointed to the outside, in the dark space, there was only a jade coffin and a stone tablet, but the jade coffin was shiny and shimmering, and the powerful senior Luanniao of the monster race was waiting there.

It took half an hour for Dikongxuan to finally calm down, watching Duanmuyi take out the powder and other things from the spirit ring, he stepped forward and took the lipstick from her hand.

"let me help you."

Duanmuyi raised his eyebrows to look at him, and passed the lip balm in his hand, and saw Dikongxuan wiped some of it with his fingertips, and dabbed it on her lips, after a while, it seemed like peach blossoms bloomed between his lips.

Duanmu said: "..."

After a moment of silence, she smiled and said, "The skill is as good as it was back then."

Di Kongxuan's fingers resting between her lips trembled slightly, he looked into Duanmuyi's eyes and murmured: "...Qingqing?"

Duanmuyi said: "Maybe I used to be Xin Ruqing, but now I am Duanmuyi. After getting married, you have to keep in mind that you are Duanmuyi's husband."

Di Kongxuan held her head down, and sealed her lips as soon as he lowered his head.

He had never felt such happiness before. He had learned from Jiang Yichu earlier that Duanmuyi was the reincarnation of Xin Ruqing. Although he was excited, but because Duanmuyi refused to admit it, he even broke up with him because of this, and gradually he was relieved. Suppressing the expectation in my heart, I only love the person in front of me.

Today she finally admitted that it also indicates that Di Kongxuan's two affectionate feelings belonged to each other.

very nice.

The image of Luanniao reappeared. Senior Fengluan looked at the two kneeling in front of the stele with kind and warm eyes: "It is an honor for this old lady to be able to witness your marriage."

With a wave of her hand, two red wedding dresses embroidered with a phoenix and a phoenix appeared on them out of thin air, even the phoenix crowns were ready.

Di Kongxuan: "..."

Duanmu said: "..."

It looks like you are already prepared?
"Di Kongxuan, Duanmuyi, you are willing to hold each other's hands until the end of your life, even if you forget each other, even if swords are facing each other, even if the world is turned upside down, are you willing?"

Feng Luan's words were gentle and powerful, but she didn't deliberately conceal the bloody smell in her words.

Duanmu didn't understand why she said that, but at this moment, she just nodded firmly.

"I am willing."

Many years later, when she sat on the throne of the god king, her calm gaze swept across the ten thousand miles of space, and Feng Luan's words echoed in her ears again, and she suddenly felt absurd.

Di Kongxuan just took her hand seriously, as if he never wanted to let go of this hand after holding it.


Seven days later, under the border city of the Fenglan Empire, the strong city wall was once again attacked by monsters. The city wall that had withstood for more than ten days in a row was extremely fragile, as if it would collapse in the next moment, but it still survived miraculously.

The exhausted coalition army leaned against the city wall, the wounded and sick were carried down, and the broken bows and arrows were transported to the tower. Everything seemed orderly, but so desolate and helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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