Chapter 1616

Di Kongxuan frowned slightly. He received a message from Jiang Su through the magic circle in the secret realm of the Yaozu, so he had to leave his newlywed wife and rush to the battlefield with the remaining combat power of the Yaozu. He did not dare to stop for a moment. It was really displeased to be stopped by a group of mortals.

It's just that he knows very well that no matter the human race, the spirit race, the monster race, or the Jialan race in the Cangyang Continent at this moment, they are all grasshoppers on a rope, so he can only stabilize his emotions.

He looked at He Erchuan and said, "Queen Fenglan went to borrow troops?"

He Erchuan nodded: "It's been ten days and I haven't come back yet."

"Shen Hui was determined not to lend it to her. He wished that the heavy armor army could be in his own hands, and he would make great contributions after you were defeated." Di Kongxuan lowered his eyes and said, "The few cultivators you sent out It's not worth mentioning at all. How about I go and bring the heavy armor back, and you let the practitioners follow me?"

He Erchuan looked into his eyes and said, "Are you sure that the opponent has only monsters and no practitioners? All the people from the Black League have gone to the Spirit Race?"

Di Kongxuan said: "It's not just the Black League, if you believe me, the monsters will retreat after a month at the latest."

He didn't tell these people about his and Duanmuyi's decision - to disclose the news that Duanmuyi was pregnant with the pure blood, so that the monsters would turn to attack the spirit clan even more frantically, and in this way, the world would be safe.

This was also the reason why he couldn't wait to bring back the spirit clan practitioners first. He had to strengthen the defenses of the spirit clan and the Jialan clan before Duanmuyi left the customs to ensure Duanmuyi's safety.

Under the city tower, the army of monster beasts finally retreated, Elder Zhuyin led the monster race spirit beasts that had transformed into half-human and half-animal shapes into the city.

The coalition army looked at the clansmen of the monster clan, each of them was very curious, and because they were the heroes of this battle, they quickly accepted these comrades in arms.

Di Kongxuan and He Erchuan reached a consensus, leaving He Erchuan and the soldiers to explain that he disappeared on the city wall.


Queen Fenglan arrived at Guancheng in the east of Yuan six days ago, but was always told that Governor Shen Hui was very busy and had no time to receive her.

Three days ago, she broke into the barracks of the Heavy Armored Army, but was driven back. In the past two days, someone has been watching her outside her door.Now she was so anxious that a huge boil appeared on the corner of her mouth, she decided not to wait, and went to the barracks in person tonight, no matter what, she would bring out the heavy armored army of the Fenglan Empire first!
But at this moment, she suddenly noticed something, turned her head and saw a person appeared in the room at some point.

Queen of Wind and Waves: "..."

She looked at the man in red: "Why are you here?"

Di Kongxuan's expression was not good, and he said coldly, "Do you think I want to come?"

Queen Fenglan's eyes fell on him, and she raised her eyebrows: "Yo, wedding clothes?"

Probably this is the difference between men and women. Di Kongxuan rushed over before he had time to change his clothes, but He Erchuan and others didn't notice his clothes, but Queen Fenglan saw it at a glance.

She smiled, with a tired smile: "I'm really sorry to disturb you newlyweds."

"I didn't come here for you," Di Kongxuan said.

He briefly talked about what happened to the Jialan and Spirit Race.

"So that's it." Queen Fenglan sighed, "We are still guessing why patriarch Jiang Xin left the camp without stopping for a moment, and even blamed him for the disastrous defeat in that battle. We are really too ignorant , this king is also wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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