Chapter 1617

Queen Fenglan stood up and solemnly bowed to the sky.

Di Kongxuan said: "You just need to mobilize troops, and it's best to set off tonight. The situation of the Lingzu is critical, Jiang Yi can't support it alone, I have to rush there as soon as possible."

"Don't worry." Queen Fenglan got up immediately and opened the door.

The guard outside the house reached out to stop her, but was swept aside by a red light the next moment, and passed out.

Queen Fenglan went all the way, and Di Kongxuan followed behind her, killing one person in one step, and never staying behind for thousands of miles.

Walking outside the heavy armored army barracks, Shen Hui had already received the news and came to stop him. There were hundreds of his border guards, blocking the street.

Queen Fenglan climbed onto the roof beside her and shouted at the barracks not far away: "Soldiers!"

Shen Hui: "..."

"Stop her! Stop her quickly!" Shen Hui yelled.

A red light rolled over without any waves and turned into a slap, knocking him off his horse.

Sitting on the eaves, Di Kongxuan looked at him with a sneer—it was this person who ruined Duanmuyi's family, caused Duanmuyi to be seriously injured, and made her shoulders weighed down by hatred, unable to relax.

Now that he and she are married, it's the same for him to deal with this trash.

On the roof, Queen Fenglan was still shouting. In the barracks of the Heavy Armored Army, word was spread, and soon everyone stood up.

It was night, and the millions of heavily armored troops mutinied and rushed to the front line with Queen Fenglan.

However, Shen Hui, the well-known governor of Yuandong, turned into a corpse hanging on the city gate in the hands of Di Kongxuan.

Di Kongxuan killed ordinary people this time, and his cultivation base was banned, but he didn't care, and ignited the rune on the spot, which was left to him by Jiang Xin at the beginning, and could form a simple teleportation array.

He intends to return directly to the Jialan tribe from here.

"Ah Xuan!"

Suddenly, a girl's joyful voice came from behind him.

The flame of the rune trembled slightly, Di Kongxuan looked back and saw that one person had already fallen into his arms.Immediately afterwards, the magic circle lit up, and the two disappeared in place.

On the Jialan Tribe Square, the magic circle glowed with white light, and the two appeared here after a while.

Di Kongxuan's body was stiff, he looked down at the woman in his arms, and said two words: "Qingqing...?"

"It's me, it's me, Ah Xuan, I miss you so much..."

Di Kongxuan still couldn't believe what he saw.

Just at this time, Jiang Sui felt the movement of the magic circle, and rushed over with Yinglan. When he saw this scene, he also froze in place.

The two most powerful men in the world were shocked.

"Ah Xuan, why didn't you hug me?" Xin Ruqing raised her head, her pure eyes were the same as before.

Jiang Sui's eyes flickered slightly, he stepped forward, and coughed softly: "Ahem, this is—"

"Ah Xuan, is this your friend?" Xin Ruqing turned her head and saw someone, blushed, took a half step back, and said, "My name is Xin Ruqing, and I am... Ah Xuan's fiancée."

"Oh——" Jiang Yi nodded again and again, "I have admired your name for a long time, and I am going to Jiang Yi. Miss Xin, if you have something to say, go inside and say it."

Xin Ruqing nodded, and Ying Lan stepped forward, pulling her to take a step ahead.

Jiang Sui glanced at Di Kongxuan and asked, "Brother, what's the matter?"

"I don't know." Di Kongxuan's eyes fell on Xin Ruqing's back, and he frowned slightly, "Can you see her true identity? I suspect that she is a spy sent by the Yaozu."

(End of this chapter)

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