Chapter 1619

The jade coffin was erected, and she walked out slowly.

The image of Luanniao appeared in front of her eyes, Senior Fengluan looked at her approvingly: "The process of inheritance is smoother than I imagined."

Duanmu saluted solemnly: "Thank you for your enlightenment, senior."

"You have dual bloodlines. Because you couldn't practice cultivation, you only cultivated the bloodline of the spirit race, but ignored the bloodline of the monster race. Fortunately, there was enough lightning power stored in the bloodline of the monster race. One inheritance has stabilized both your bloodlines at the mid-stage Nascent Soul, and with the blessing of the dual bloodlines in the future, you will not be a match for you in the late-stage Nascent Soul."

Senior Fengluan stretched out his hand and patted her on the top of her head: "The problem with your viscera must be resolved, otherwise you will not be able to bear the six thunderstorms on the way to transforming into a god. Go, leave the inheritance hall, and go to the secret realm to find The elixir you need."

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt ecstatic: "You mean, is there any elixir I need in the Monster Race Secret Realm?"

"There are very few people in and out of the secret realm. Compared with the vastness of the mountain and sea spiritual realm, this place is like a sesame seed. But fortunately, the spiritual energy has been abundant for thousands of years, and many rare medicinal materials have been cultivated." Senior Fengluan said, "Caoli There should be incense and xuncao."

When Duanmuyi left the Mustard Seed Pagoda, Luan Niao carried her out, and the magic circle outside the Mustard Seed Pagoda that could shatter spiritual energy seemed to be of no use to Luan Niao.

When walking out of the inheritance hall, Duanmuyi looked back at the silently closed door, and slowly clenched his fists.

She knew that the real senior Fengluan must be waiting for her to pass in that higher level world.

Outside the enchantment of the Monster Race Secret Realm, the skeleton of the nine-tailed sky fox glowed. After a while, a person turned over from the enchantment and landed on the ground.

Hu Yuexi went crazy waiting for her, and finally waited for her.

"Cousin!" Hu Yuexi rushed forward and hugged her, "Thank God, you finally came out, why is it later than expected?"

Duanmuyi patted her on the shoulder and said: "I found the medicinal materials I needed in the Yaozu secret realm, so it was a little late. How is it going outside? Where is Dikongxuan now?"

"It started to spread that you are pregnant with pure blood, saying that you are now in the Jialan clan, and the army of monsters has retreated from the mainland, and all of them have gathered in the spirit clan. Now the crisis in the human world is temporarily relieved, but the Jialan clan The clan is already under siege."

These situations were within Duanmuyi's expectation, and they had discussed it before Dikongxuan left.

After Hu Yuexi briefly introduced the situation, she suddenly froze: "Huh? Cousin, are you wearing a wedding dress?"

Duanmu Yi looked down, he hadn't changed his clothes for a few days, even the best wedding dress was dirty and smelly.

She asked Hu Yuexi to prepare some hot water for her and wanted to take a bath.

Hu Yuexi said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to enter the inheritance secret realm and get married? Why are you so undignified? Anyway, I waited out and let Grandpa Zhuyin be a witness for you."

The people Duanmu Yixindao witnessed for us are much more formidable than Elder Zhuyin.

But she didn't plan to tell Hu Yuexi, after all, Senior Feng Luan didn't seem to want to reveal her whereabouts.

After taking a simple bath, Duanmuyi changed into clean clothes, and left the Yaozu with Hu Yuexi, preparing to go to the Spiritual Tribe.

In order to avoid being recognized, Duanmu disguised his appearance and walked all the way south. As expected, he did not see any traces of monsters, which shows how attractive the pure blood essence is to monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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