Chapter 1620

However, although the army of monsters has retreated, it is difficult to recover from the trauma caused to this piece of China in a short time.In the place occupied by the army of monsters and beasts, there is no grass growing, resentment is lingering, and it is bitterly cold. No common people are willing to return to their original homes.

Duanmuyi's expression became more and more cold.

Just at the entrance of the barrier entering the Dan River, a person saw the two of them from a distance, and stood up.

The man was dressed lightly, holding a huge and plump crabapple in his hand, with a charming face and a deep smile: "Duanmuyi, I finally waited for you."

The smile on Hu Yuexi's face disappeared immediately, and she quickly grabbed Duanmuyi: "Cousin, why is she guarding here?"

Duanmuyi was even more puzzled, both of them had stayed in Yaozu for so long, and they knew nothing about the outside world, let alone Xin Ruqing's appearance, which seemed to have formed a relationship between her and Di Kongxuan. An impenetrable barrier.

She patted Hu Yuexi, signaled her to rest assured, and went forward to meet her: "Could the Master Xin come here to welcome me?"

"My pavilion master is waiting for you here, and I want to say something to you." Xin Xuerou smiled gently, seemingly without hostility, but the words that came out of her mouth were: "I want to advise you, it's better not to go to sex. Blue Clan is good."

Duanmu raised his eyebrows: "Master Xin, I don't understand. When your sister was alive, you pretended to be generous, but secretly tried to seduce Di Kongxuan with all your cunning tricks. Now that your sister is gone, you You still have a pretentious appearance, and you like to be a double-faced person, your hobby is really different."

Xin Xuerou's smile faded slightly, and after a while she chuckled and said, "You have only lived for 20 years, how dare you use something that happened 200 years ago to slander me?"

"Is it slander?" Duanmuyi blinked and sighed, "Although I have only lived for 20 years, my memory is much better than that of a 200-year-old woman like you."

Hu Yuexi couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

Xin Xuerou clenched her fists slightly, with a mocking smile on her beautiful face: "You are stubborn now, and you will cry later!"

"Why, does Pavilion Master Shen still want to publicize the news that Duanmuyi is here?" Just as Xin Xuerou finished speaking, a man's voice came from behind Duanmuyi.

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, then looked back, slightly surprised: "Mo, Mo Zhanfeng?"

I really don't blame her for making a fuss, Mo Zhanfeng is no longer the boy he saw before, but has grown into a young man in his twenties, dressed in black and robes, like an emissary from the underworld.

Seeing him appear, Xin Xuerou smiled coldly, took out the jade ring and pressed it on the barrier, and disappeared in front of the three of them.

Duanmuyi stepped forward to meet him, wondering, "Why did you appear here?"

From a long distance, Mo Zhanfeng saw Shen Xuerou blocking Duanmuyi and the other two outside the barrier, so he walked forward quickly, and heard Duanmuyi ask why he appeared here.

"I also want to know why when everyone retreated, I was the only one who forgot?" Mo Zhanfeng's face was ugly.

Who would have imagined that after waking up from seclusion, he found himself in the base camp of the monster army, and the coalition army had already retreated for more than 20 miles.

This feeling of anger almost made him shut himself up. Fortunately, he was strong in cultivation, and after killing all directions in the army of monsters, he rushed to the coalition camp.After learning about the shift of the battlefield from Queen Fenglan's mouth, she came here again.

(End of this chapter)

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