Chapter 1625

The courtyard Jiang Yi arranged for him and Duan Muyi was relatively secluded, surrounded by people under Di Kongxuan's subordinates, and Xun Yi stood guard not far from the door.

Seeing him coming out, Xunyi said, "Miss Xiaoxin is waiting for you."

In order to distinguish Shen Xue from Shen Ruqing, the people of the Jialan tribe called Shen Ruqing the little girl Shen.

Dikongxuan's eyes darkened slightly, and he immediately ordered Xunyi to guard the house before going out.

Not too far away, I saw Xin Ruqing standing in front of the fence by the lake, alone, hesitating left and right.

Di Kongxuan remembered some things from a long time ago, because he had so many memories with Duanmuyi that it took a little effort to recall those memories back then.

At that time, he first met the two sisters of the Xin family by the lakeside of Yuandong Imperial Capital.

Xin Ruqing walked towards him and called softly: "Ah Xuan..."

Di Kongxuan came back to his senses and said, "Shall we go?"

Xin Ruqing was overjoyed and nodded repeatedly.These days Di Kongxuan has been avoiding her all the time, tonight is the only time he offered to go for a walk.

The two walked slowly along the lake of the Jialan tribe.

Xin Ruqing twisted her sleeves nervously with her fingers, and spoke first: "Ah Xuan, I know you refused to talk to me a few days ago because you thought I was a fake... Today my sister also told you that I... "

"You don't need to say it, I believe you are real." Di Kongxuan said.

Xin Ruqing raised her head in surprise: "Ah Xuan, you believe me!"

Dikongxuan's eyes stinged slightly, but he also became more determined in his thoughts.

He stopped and said, "Qingqing..."

"Say it!" Xin Ruqing replied.

"Do you know who she is?"

Xin Ruqing was stunned for a moment, then realized: "Is... that girl?"

Seeing Di Kongxuan nodding, she said: "Sister said, she is the cousin of the Duanmu family, and also a descendant of the Yaozu."

What Xin Xuerou told her obviously couldn't be so simple, and she must have tried more to smear Duanmuyi, but Xin Ruqing was pure in nature, so the retelling seemed much more tactful and objective.

Di Kongxuan looked at her silently, Xin Ruqing was a little flustered by his look.

"Qingqing, she... is you."

Xin Ruqing's eyes widened, as if she couldn't believe what she heard.

"Since you left me 200 years ago, I have been looking for you. A voice in the dark told me that I could find you. Then I finally found her, and it was her." Di Kongxuan said.

"I struggled too. Before I knew she was your reincarnation, I knew I liked her. At that time, I didn't want to give up looking for you, so I pushed her away again and again. Until I knew she was you, then For a moment, I felt that all the pursuit was worth it.”

"Qingqing, I never gave up loving you, but now, I love her."

Xin Ruqing's complexion became extremely pale again.

But she didn't fall down again, instead she stubbornly stood up straight.

She smiled weakly: "So it's like a show... Ah Xuan, it's great, someone loves you for me."

Di Kongxuan frowned slightly, stretched out his hand, and hugged her.

Xin Ruqing cried and stuck to his heart, warm tears wet his clothes.

"My days are numbered. It's great to see you again. It's great to hear you say you've always loved me. Ah Xuan, it's great to be able to walk the final journey by your side."

Xin Ruqing came and left silently.

After she left, Jiang Sui jumped off the roof beside her.

(End of this chapter)

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