Chapter 1626

He looked at the place where Xin Ruqing disappeared, and sighed, "She's a good girl."

Di Kongxuan didn't respond.

"Tsk, where did you get the blessings, one or two, they are so devoted to you?" Jiang Sui raised his eyebrows and asked.

Di Kongxuan glanced at him, and smiled evilly: "Personal charm."

Jiang Sui: "..."

"Her soul is very fragile, and her soul may fly away at any time. By then, there will really be no more Xin Ruqing in the world. Are you willing?" Jiang asked.

Di Kongxuan's gaze turned to the window where the candlelight was faint, and the light in his eyes softened slightly: "She will always be by my side."

Jiang Su knew his choice and agreed.

"By the way, I came to you because I heard from Hu Yuexi that Duanmuyi has collected all the five flavors of elixir. It is best to get them as soon as possible so that I can refine that medicine as soon as possible. Her internal organs still need to be healed as soon as possible. The cultivation base, six or nine days of calamity is sooner or later."

Hearing Jiang Yi's intentions, Di Kongxuan had no reason why he shouldn't.

"The Black Alliance seems to have controlled some families of the Spirit Race, and their strength has increased greatly. I think the day of the decisive battle is coming soon." Jiang Suspicion said.

Di Kongxuan raised the corners of his lips, and smiled coldly: "It's nothing more than a clown."

Jiang Yi said: "The army of monsters is staring at the other side of the Dan River, and they didn't attack because of the Dan River. But Duanmuyi's temptation to them is too great. After the Black League takes action, the army of monsters will also be out of control. Even filling up the Dan River will not hesitate."

Fill up the Dan River.

This is something that no one has thought of for thousands of years.

The power of Danhe is fierce and violent, touching the body will hurt, and it is the nemesis of such beasts as monsters. Monsters have natural fear in front of Danhe.

However, one drop of pure blood can help monsters transform into gods, which is a huge temptation.In the face of such temptation, any danger can be ignored.

Di Kongxuan stared at the starry sky, and said in a cold tone, "Those who dare to covet me, they will have to come and go."

"Speaking of which, how did you plan?" Jiang asked, "You know what I mean. The toxins in your body have reached a critical point. If you don't transform into a god, I'm afraid your cultivation will stop here."

Di Kongxuan was silent for a while, and said, "I'm waiting for her."

Jiang Yi was speechless: "Duanmuyi's talent is good, and luck is also good, but it is not something that can be solved in one or two years from the middle stage of Yuanying to the stage of transformation. No matter how lucky she is, it will take at least three to five years. To be honest Let me tell you, I can seal your poison for another half a year at most."

"Half a year?" Di Kongxuan smiled with curved lips, "Enough."

Jiang Sui: "..."

He growled in a low voice: "What is enough! Don't tell me you thought she could transform into a god within half a year! Stop dreaming!"

Being able to drive the always gentle leader of the Jialan clan into a gaffe shows how perverted Di Kongxuan's thoughts are.

Di Kongxuan stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "I have been waiting for 200 years. How could I choose to go first? After transforming into a god, I will be randomly teleported. That world is hundreds of times bigger than the vast continent. , where should I go to find her then?"

He has been looking for her for too long, and he doesn't want to look for her again.

When Xin Ruqing walked back to her yard, she was a little lost, so she didn't notice a person standing outside her yard, who seemed to be waiting for her.

"Miss Xin."

Xin Ruqing was stunned for a moment, looked up and saw a young man in black, and took half a step back: "Mr. Mo."

(End of this chapter)

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