Chapter 1627

"It must be very hard for a soul body with only a sliver of soul to condense into a solid body with the golden core of a strong Nascent Soul Stage?" Mo Zhanfeng walked to her side and said in a flat tone.

Xin Ruqing clenched her fists slowly and did not answer.

Mo Zhanfeng said again: "Everyone thinks that if Di Kongxuan chooses you or her, he will always hurt someone. They all forget that you and her are actually the same person. Why don't you think about it?" What about the third way?"

"..." Xin Ruqing's eyes flickered, she looked up at him, "You are Duanmuyi's friend, do you want to help her?"

Mo Zhanfeng glanced at her lightly and said, "This is the best way."


Duanmu Shenzhou went back to the Duanmu Clan, discussed the war with Duanmu Hong and several elders, and then returned to the Jialan Clan.

Outside the Jialan tribe, he stopped, looked at the woman standing by the river, and called out, "Master Xin."

Xin Xuerou turned her head, looked at him and smiled slightly: "Young Master Duanmu, let's talk?"

"What do you and I have to talk about?" Duanmu Shenzhou asked.

Xin Xuerou smiled slightly: "Of course there are. For example, Duanmuyi."

Duanmu Shenzhou raised his eyes, walked over after a moment of silence, and stood beside her: "I know that you are dissatisfied with her, and it's all because of Di Kongxuan."

"I also know that you don't accept Di Kongxuan. What do you think about Duanmuyi? You can fool other people and yourself, but you can't fool me." Xin Xuerou approached her and said with a smile, "You can't fool your own son either. younger sister."

Duanmu Shenzhou clenched his fists, but still maintained a gentle smile: "Master Xin was joking, Yi'er is also my younger sister."

"Her current cultivation has already far surpassed yours. After she transforms into a god, you won't even be able to see her. Are you really willing?" Xin Xuerou raised her hand and stuffed a piece of paper into his arms. The note said, "Go back and think about it, come to me at midnight tonight."


The war has not yet begun, but the entire Jialan tribe has been on guard everywhere. The cultivators from the Spirit Clan, the members of the Jialan tribe, and the elders of various tribes all came out. On this day, the Jialan tribe ushered in another day. Batch of help.

Duanmuyi looked at the person in front of him, moved and helpless: "What are you doing here?"

He Erchuan slumped on the chair in the living room, and sighed comfortably: "Come and see you. Oh, it turns out that this is the Jialan tribe. It is really magnificent and better than the king's palace." a thousand times."

Duanmu said angrily: "You are not needed here, you should go back to the human world."

He Erchuan didn't seem to hear what she said, turned his head to look at Jiang Yi and said: "Patriarch Jiang, this chair is really comfortable to sit on, can you sell it to this king?"

"The lord likes it, so I will give it to you." Jiang Yi said with a smile.

He Erchuan patted the armrest and smiled: "Okay, Patriarch Jiang is really refreshing!"

"I said, go back." Duanmuyi said with a frown, "Why do you intervene in the war between cultivators? You brought so many ordinary soldiers, do you want to watch them die?"

He Erchuan gave her a sideways glance: "Why, are you worried about me? Hey, isn't Di Kongxuan here? Don't turn around and blame me..."

Duanmuyi took a deep breath, turned and walked away, not wanting to talk to him.

As soon as she took a step, she heard the man say behind her: "This king led the troops here, it was the result of discussing with Queen Fenglan. You practitioners contributed a lot to the battle in the human world. Now that you are in trouble, we How can we sit idly by? We are indeed lacking in cultivation, but there is always a place for us on the battlefield."

(End of this chapter)

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