Chapter 1628

Duanmuyi looked back at him, the man's gaze was firm and burning, containing some deeply hidden meaning, it fell heavily on the apex of her heart.

She lowered her eyes and said in a low voice, "Let Patriarch Jiang decide on the matter of the Jialan tribe."

This is no objection.

Seeing her walk out the door, the smile on He Erchuan's face faded a little, he turned to look at Jiang Yi, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Patriarch Jiang."

Jiang Yi nodded: "Since we are allies, we welcome them naturally. But... are there only Hull and Fenglan? Yuandong and Ross Empire——"

He Erchuan said with a sneer: "Lord Ross is a cowardly idiot. As for Emperor Yuandong, he didn't know what was going on, and he became more and more stupid. back to the murderer."

Jiang Xin never cared about the power struggles in the human world, he just heard about it, and turned around and ordered someone to open up a place for his allies in the human world to live in.

"I killed Shen Hui." After He Erchuan left, a voice sounded outside the door.

Di Kongxuan walked in with a tired look on his face.

Jiang Su poured him a cup of tea: "I know that, have you told Duanmuyi yet?"

Di Kongxuan nodded and said, "Although Emperor Yuandong's temper is the most unpredictable, he shouldn't be so disregarding the overall situation in front of the enemy. I suspect there is something wrong with it."

"I'll send someone to investigate." Jiang Su knew what he was referring to, "How is your investigation going?"

Di Kongxuan sat down with a bad expression on his face: "Sure enough, many families of the Spirit Clan have rebelled. The Black League promised them that once they occupy the Cangyang Continent, they will divide the entire land of the Spirit Clan and the Jialan Clan into those few families." A family governance, this is not a small appetite."

Jiang questioned: "The Duanmu family—"

"From the current point of view, the Duanmu family is still our ally. At least Duanmu's attitude is firm. As for Duanmuhong and the elders, they have deep grievances with me, and it is good to maintain a neutral attitude." Di Kongxuan said.


Duanmuyi stood on the tallest watchtower of the Jialan tribe, across the calm water of the Dan River, he could see the black monsters in the distance that were about to move.

"What are you looking at?" With his hands wrapped around her waist behind him, Di Kongxuan leaned close to her ear, gently biting her small earlobe.

Duanmuyi's hands and feet went limp, and she fell into his arms.

"Have you found any traces of the elders of the Black League?" Duanmuyi asked.

"Well, I found it." Di Kongxuan said, his hands were dishonestly reaching towards her skirt.

Duanmuyi pressed his hand and said helplessly, "I'm telling you something serious."

"What I'm talking about is also serious." Di Kongxuan said solemnly.

The watchtower towered over all the buildings of the Jialan tribe, and the mist filled with water vapor rushed towards the face, but Duanmuyi's face was as red as a roasted shrimp, and his whole body was extremely hot.

Di Kongxuan quietly left the Jialan clan to investigate the details of the Black League and monsters, but she didn't see him for a few days, and she also missed him very much, thinking hard.

"Wait to go back..." Duanmuyi said in a low voice.

Di Kongxuan was amused by her, so he let go, turned around and hugged her in his arms, and sat down on the bench beside him: "Did you encounter any trouble these days?"

Duanmuyi shook his head, paused, and said again: "I found that Duanmu Shenzhou is not quite right these two days."

"He came to look for you?" Di Kongxuan frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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