Chapter 1629

"He and Xin Xuerou got a little close." Duan Muyi said, "Maybe I'm thinking too much."

Di Kongxuan wrote it down secretly, and only comforted him: "Now that I'm back, don't worry about these things."

The next night, spies from the Jialan tribe came to report that they found more than a dozen corpses of monsters in Danhe.

Two days later, there were eight more.

Two days later, three were found.

Jiang Yi said solemnly: "I suspect that they have found a way to cross the Dan River for a short time. They should be experimenting with these corpses."

In the meeting hall, everyone was speechless for a moment.

After a long silence, Mo Zhanfeng's voice came from the corner: "It should be a drug that can temporarily enhance physical strength, and the duration is only one hour. As long as we can block them in the Dan River for an hour, we will be able to Win without fighting."

An hour is more than enough to cross the river.

But it is not easy to stop the army of hundreds of thousands of monsters for an hour.

"Among the monsters, there are also monsters with the ability to fly. What I don't understand is why they insist on crossing the river?" Duanmu Yi asked.

"Flying monsters have relatively weak attack power and defense, even if they fly over, it won't help." Duanmu Shenzhou explained, "Flying monsters can only carry a limited number of them. .”

Xin Xuerou said with a slight smile, "Everyone in Sihua Pavilion obeys the arrangement of Patriarch Jiang."

"If there is anything we need to do, just say it." He Erchuan expressed his attitude immediately.

Jiang Yi nodded, and when it was He Erchuan's turn to distribute his deployment, he asked them to do logistics and at the same time be responsible for patrolling the entire Jialan tribe.

He Erchuan seemed a little dissatisfied, but he also knew that he was not strong enough, so he could only accept this task.

Duanmuyi and Dikongxuan took the lead together, and with her strength in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, she can also be ranked in the top five here.

"Di Kongxuan! Get out and die!" A roar like thunder resounded through the sky, shaking the meeting hall.

Di Kongxuan stood up slowly and looked in the direction of the voice.

"His strength has become stronger." Duanmu Shenzhou murmured.

Duanmuyi held Dikongxuan's hand worriedly.

"Don't worry." Di Kongxuan rubbed her hair, and immediately led her out of the door, staring coldly at the direction the voice came from, and the breath around him rose layer by layer!
Suddenly hurried footsteps came from the side, Xin Ruqing walked around the corridor and stood not far from the two of them.

When Duanmuyi saw her, he felt a little complicated, but he didn't back away, and stood firmly by Dikongxuan's side.

Xin Ruqing smiled pale, and said calmly, "Ah Xuan, be careful."

Di Kongxuan nodded, immediately let go of Duanmuyi's hand, turned into a red light and disappeared beyond the clouds.

A moment later, a strong breath came from outside the Jialan tribe.

Duanmuyi turned her head and saw Xin Ruqing's bewildered gaze, probably because of the same source of soul, she also felt a bit of heartache.

"Miss Xin..." She talked to Xin Ruqing for the first time in these days, "Don't worry."

Xin Ruqing lowered her eyes and said with a wry smile: "You can fight side by side with him, of course you don't worry.

When I was with him 200 years ago, I naturally never worried.

He is such a powerful person, whether it was at the beginning or now, he can always make those who accompany him trust him unconditionally. "

(End of this chapter)

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