kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 163 The White Lotus Drama

Chapter 163 The White Lotus Drama

"Jiujiu, I didn't expect the dishes you cooked to taste good." Yixuelan smiled softly.

"Uncle did it!" Bai Jiujiu corrected.

Yi Xuelan glanced at Lu Sichen in surprise, "Achen, what did you do?"

One must know that Lu Sichen had never done this before.

Lu Sichen completely ignored Yu Yixuelan and said coldly to Bai Jiujiu: "Open your mouth!"

Bai Jiujiu opened his mouth obediently, and Lu Sichen took another big mouthful.

"..." The chopsticks in Yi Xuelan's hands almost fell loose, is this really Ah Chen?

Isn't she dreaming?
For some reason, Bai Jiujiu, who was originally depressed, was in a good mood when he saw Yi Xuelan who was deflated at this time, and he especially cooperated with Lu Sichen.

After that, Yi Xuelan stopped talking and ate gracefully.

To be honest, Bai Jiujiu admired Yi Xuelan's determination from the bottom of his heart. If other women had already left her bag, Yi Xuelan could eat it!

This is probably not something that ordinary women can bear.

A meal ended in such a silent and weird atmosphere, Bai Jiujiu went straight to wash away in order to escape this awkward atmosphere.

"Achen, I have something to tell you." Yi Xuelan said softly to Lu Sichen.

Lu Sichen frowned lightly, "Why haven't you left yet?"

Yi Xuelan's complexion was not good, but the corners of her mouth still kept a gentle smile, "I'm here to tell you something about Jiujiu."

Lu Sichen did not continue to refuse when he heard the three words about Bai Jiujiu.

What the hell is this woman playing?Bai Jiujiu overheard Yi Xuelan's words while washing, it was obvious that the visitor was not kind.

"The filming of one of my MVs has stopped, which may cause Bai Jiujiu to be eliminated. I'm sorry, Ah Chen, but you won't blame me." Yi Xuelan bit her lips tightly with a pitiful expression on her face, which made people feel no pity.

"..." So she complained to the uncle?But the victim seemed to be her, why did Yi Xuelan look like she was being bullied?
It's not that Bai Jiujiu eavesdropped on purpose, but Yi Xuelan seems to want her to hear it on purpose!
The angles are all standing facing her.

"No." Lu Sichen said coldly, his voice still icy cold without any warmth.

Yi Xuelan wiped away the tears that were about to fall from the corners of her eyes and smiled brightly, "Achen, I knew you were the best for me."


Bai Jiujiu threw away the plate in his hand, feeling inexplicably unhappy, so he simply didn't wash it and went back to the hall to watch the play.

To be nominated by the Goddess of Oscar's Golden Eagle is definitely not a waste of fame, and learning to learn will help improve one's own strength.

Lu Sichen saw Bai Jiujiu approaching, and waved to 'him', "Why didn't you tell me?"

Bai Jiujiu originally wanted to resist, but he cast a sideways glance at Yi Xuelan, and sat directly beside Lu Sichen, snuggling on Lu Sichen's shoulder naturally, "I planned to tell you, but accidentally forgot."

She wanted to say it before, but after seeing Lu Sichen cooking in person, she was so surprised by this scene that she completely forgot about it.

The movements of the two are so natural and intimate.

"..." Yixuelan had goosebumps on her body for no reason. These two men were indeed top-notch and seductive, but her mind hadn't opened up to that level yet.

And based on her understanding of Lu Sichen, no matter how much Lu Sichen hates women, he won't be with boys, could it be...

Women who have doubts in their hearts generally don't give up until they achieve their goals, especially smart women.

"Jiujiu, why don't I introduce you again, I have a friend..." Yi Xuelan was interrupted by Bai Jiujiu before she could finish speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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