Chapter 164

"No need, sister Yi, I have already found a solution. A friend of mine introduced me to shoot public service advertisements." In fact, the friend Bai Jiujiu mentioned was the former MV director. Before leaving, he gave her a note, She was still hesitant at first, but now it seems that there is no need to hesitate.

Miss?The corner of Yi Xuelan's mouth twitched slightly.

"Public service announcements, but I heard that this assessment is related to the market's reaction, and the market sales directly determine whether you will stay or not, and your public service announcements are completely irrelevant to the topic of this assessment." Yi Xuelan said earnestly. Bai Jiujiu continued to persuade.

"Jiujiu, I know you're still angry with me, but this time I really didn't do it on purpose. Achen is your uncle, and we are a family in principle. If it wasn't for Achen helping me stay in the new world and letting Fei Ang cultivate it I, I don't have what I have achieved today, don't worry, I will definitely let you pass this assessment."

Who the hell is a family with you, Bai Jiujiu cursed secretly in his heart, and why she heard a hint of showing off!
Bai Jiujiu glanced sideways at Lu Sichen, and said with a half smile, "You are so kind to Miss Yi."

Lu Sichen raised his eyebrows, "If you are willing, you will be better than her."

"..." That's fine, she can't speak to Lu Sichen anyway.

"Miss Yi Xuelan, I'm really not angry with you. It's not worth it for this kind of thing. Besides, our relationship is not very deep. Lu Sichen is my uncle. If I need anything, he will naturally help me." No need You are being fake here.

A gentleman's smile bloomed on Bai Jiujiu's face, and the obvious undercurrent between the two surged and sparks flew everywhere.

Miss Yi Xuelan?This time, she even changed her name to an unfamiliar one. Hehe, it seems that the person in front of her is declaring war on her.

Yi Xuelan had a gentle smile on her face, apparently not paying attention to Bai Jiujiu.

"Jiujiu, you should know that Ah Chen doesn't usually have anything to do with the entertainment circle, so you shouldn't make things difficult for him."

In fact, Bai Jiujiu really didn't want to use Lu Sichen's help, but Yi Xuelan ate Achen one by one, which made her very upset.

"Why am I embarrassing him?"

There is a bit of anger in these words, but it is not enough and very arrogant.

She just couldn't get used to Yi Xuelan's appearance like this, especially when she kept saying that she had an unusual relationship with Lu Sichen in front of her.

"...Achen, I won't blame 'him', kid, but it's better to leave Jiujiu to me, after all, I'm 'him' senior, don't worry, I will pamper 'him' well. "Yixuelan directly regarded Bai Jiujiu as an ignorant child and considered himself an elder.

Hearing these words, Lu Sichen frowned slightly. Does his cute white rabbit need someone else to pamper him?
"Why don't you leave?" Lu Sichen said coldly, mercilessly, Yi Xuelan couldn't bear it at all.

Tsk tsk tsk, uncle is really venomous, but I like it haha!
Bai Jiujiu couldn't suppress the smile on the corner of his mouth.

No matter how strong Xuelan's heart is, being ignored like this completely suffered a lot of blows, and she was on the verge of tears, "Achen, I know you are still blaming me, me, let's talk about it another day."

After finishing speaking, Yi Xuelan grabbed the AV bag and left directly. The sad back of her leaving seemed as if her whole heart was broken.

When turning around to an invisible angle, Yi Xuelan wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, took out a small mirror, and adjusted her makeup.

Her face was indifferent, as if it was just an act of hers.

(End of this chapter)

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