Chapter 1632

Duanmuyi signaled Hu Yuexi to put her on the ground, panting and asked: "Is there any problem with this medicine?"

"This medicine is called Sandan. After taking it, it can destroy the golden pill in the dantian. It has been lost for a long time." Jiang Yi took it and said, "Don't worry, I will cure you both."

Duanmuyi thought of Xin Ruqing's hesitant expression, and thought of her hesitant words, he lowered his wrist, showed a wry smile, and passed out completely.

When she woke up again, she felt her whole head was groggy, and there was a stale qi stagnation between her chest and abdomen, which made her very uncomfortable.

The knife wound on her chest had been bandaged, and someone tied a cute bow for her, which made her very happy.

Duanmuyi stood up and walked out the door.

"Ah, why are you up, cousin, go back and lie down!" Hu Yuexi came in with a bowl of medicine, "I really want to run around without watching you for a moment."

Duanmuyi: " is the war going?"

"It's not going well, but it can be stopped anyway, but the casualties of the practitioners are a bit heavy." Hu Yuexi sighed, and helped her back to the bed and sat down, "But Patriarch Jiang said, don't worry too much, he has already figured out a way .”

Now that there are enemies on all sides, what can Jiang Su think of?
"Drink this medicine soon." Hu Yuexi said with a smile.

Duanmu noticed that she had a different expression, took the medicine bowl and smelled it: "Isn't this a medicine that promotes wound healing? What kind of medicine is this?"

Hu Yuexi smiled and said: "I haven't had time to congratulate my cousin! You are so happy! This is the anti-fetal medicine that Yinglan boiled for you. Fortunately, you hurt your chest. If you hurt your abdomen, the baby will not survive."

This news was like a thunderbolt, which made Duanmuyi's expression numb.

She is pregnant?

"When Xin Xuerou heard the news, her nose turned out of anger." Hu Yuexi snorted and laughed, "And that Xin Ruqing, who looks soft and weak in front of others, really thinks I can't see her eyes. Are you jealous?"

Duanmu Yi recovered from the shock, and quickly asked, "Where's Di Kongxuan?"

Hu Yuexi was silent for a while, then said: "Brother-in-law hasn't woken up yet... But don't worry! Patriarch Jiang said that the injury can be controlled, but he may need to sleep for a few more days."

Duanmuyi's heart sank.

Jiang Yi didn't say it could be cured, only that it could be controlled, which was enough to prove that Di Kongxuan's injury was serious.

She raised her hand and pressed it on her flat belly, experiencing ups and downs in her mood, and gradually calmed down.

"Take me to meet him." Duanmu Yi said, "At any rate... let him feel the breath of a child."

Jiang Xin was instructing Yinglan about some medicines, when he turned around and saw Duanmuyi entering the door, he nodded to her: "He's inside."

Seeing that Jiang Xin's expression was more relaxed, Duanmuyi's heart also calmed down a little.

The situation is never too bad.

Di Kongxuan had been lying on the bed for two days, his complexion was so pale that it was almost transparent, and what was strange was that there was a faint red spot between his brows, which was originally sparse.

Duanmuyi sat down beside the bed and reached out to caress the center of his brow.

"This injury, the poison in his body can no longer be suppressed. I thought of a way to condense all the poison in the sea of ​​consciousness between the eyebrows, so as not to damage his cultivation." Jiang Su came over and said behind her, "But this strategy can't last for a long time. If it takes a long time, it will easily damage the mind."

Duanmuyi asked: "How long can you last?"

(End of this chapter)

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