Chapter 1633

"Half a year." Jiang Yi said.

"And then? What is he going to do?"

Jiang Xin said: "Afterwards, when the toxin erupts, it will break through my seal on his cultivation, and he will transform into a god. If he succeeds in transforming into a god, the toxin will be removed. If he fails in transforming into a god... then his soul will be destroyed."

Duanmuyi held Dikongxuan's hand, and Dikongxuan seemed to be aware of her, and his palm retracted slightly.

She put his palm on her lower abdomen and called out in a low voice: "Ah Xuan, do you feel it? Our child is calling you. You must persevere, and I will accompany you to transform into a god!"

Why didn't she know that Di Kongxuan, who had been able to transform into a god long ago, had been procrastinating day after day because of her.

What she can do is to go on unswervingly, to do things that others can't do, and to reach the cultivation base of the god transformation stage within half a year!

Maybe others think this is a fantasy, but Duanmuyi must do it.

"Have you checked this matter?" Duanmuyi walked out of the room and asked in a low voice.

Jiang Yi patted the fence and said, "Although I really don't want to say it, but now that the enemy is in front of us, it's better for you to calm down."

"I know." Duanmuyi looked at him and said word by word, "I can bear it now, but I must remember this account clearly. Why did Shen Xuerou and the elder of the Duanmu family suddenly lose to each other? Xin Ru Why did Qing give me a loose pill? How did Duanmu Xiaoxiao appear on the battlefield? What agreement did they reach?"

This is a game, first forcing her to act in order to save Mo Zhanfeng, and then making an elder desperately try to pull her into the range of the Sihua Pavilion formation, and then messing up Emperor Kongxuan's mind.

This should be a plan.

The appearance of Duanmu Xiaoxiao was obviously unplanned, but it did not hinder the continuation of the plan.

Di Kongxuan turned around to rescue him regardless of everything, but how could the elder in charge who was as cultivated as him miss this opportunity, so Di Kongxuan was seriously injured. One person destroyed the golden core and became an ordinary person.

Fortunately, Duanmuyi asked Jiang Xin to avoid the worst ending.

The person who wanted Di Kongxuan to die was nothing more than the Black League.

The people who want her to die are the Duanmu family and Sihua Pavilion.

The three parties unite, and if they are not careful, they will succeed.

"Report—" Just as the two were silent, members of the Jialan tribe came to report, saying that they couldn't stop it.

Duanmuyi insisted on going to the battlefield regardless of his serious injuries.

Jiang Su had no choice but to tell her his plan: "The reason why the Black League is attacking so recklessly is because the power of the elder in charge will weaken tomorrow. When we counterattack, we will surely win."

"I'm afraid we won't be able to wait until tomorrow." Duan Muyi said, "Use my essence and blood."

"Your body is very weak, I'm afraid it will affect the fetus." Jiang Xin said.

Duanmuyi looked at him and said: "You must have a way, right?"

Jiang Xin had no choice but to give her a medicine and told her not to force it.

Duanmu took the medicine and hurried to the Dan River, and sure enough, part of the army of monsters had crossed the Dan River, and began to bite the practitioners.

"Yi'er, you're awake!" Duanmu Shenzhou saw her, ran over immediately, and said worriedly, "This place is really too dangerous, you should go back quickly!"

Duanmu Yi looked at him and asked, "Where is Duanmu Xiaoxiao?"

(End of this chapter)

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