Chapter 1635

"Mo Zhanfeng, dare to fight with me?" Duan Muyi turned his head, his eyes were icy cold, full of killing intent.

Mo Zhanfeng laughed loudly when he heard the words, raised his palm, and formed a sword.

"This seat can't wait."

So Duanmuyi ignored the monster's attack and rushed directly towards the elder in charge. Mo Zhanfeng followed behind her, and with a swipe of the spirit sword behind her, majestic spiritual power burst out, and the water of the Dan River was in this moment. There was a cut-off under the sword, and countless monsters struggled to death.

The elder in charge said with a grinning grin: "Di Kongxuan is injured, even if you two join forces, you are only here to die. Since you want to die, I will send you a ride!"

"Zhu Yan, I heard that people who are about to die talk a lot more nonsense." Duanmuyi sneered, and as soon as the magic formula she had prepared in her hand changed, the spiritual fire of the realm surged out from between her eyebrows, and a sea of ​​crystal blue flames burst into the air in an instant Spreading for thousands of miles, the vegetation above the ground was burnt to fly ash almost instantly.

Under the blessing of her essence and blood power, the domain of the spirit fire of the domain has increased hundreds of times, directly enveloping the elder in charge, forcibly pulling it closer to the domain of the spirit fire.

"Looking for death!" The elder in charge's right eye glowed red.

Just as Duanmuyi fully expanded the spiritual fire domain, Dikongxuan suddenly sat up from the bed.

The chest that was pierced by the elder in charge was still in hot pain, and taking a breath was like cutting back and forth with a knife.However, he still stood up expressionlessly, leaned on the wall and walked out the door.

Ying Lan was coming over with the medicine, when she saw that he had landed on the ground, she yelled, "Why do you two look alike!"

"Where's Duanmuyi?" Di Kongxuan asked.

Ying Lan pointed to the outside: "It's under fire. Go back and lie down quickly. The patriarch spent so much time trying to pull you back from the gate of hell. If something happens again, no one will save you."

Di Kongxuan raised his head and glanced at the slightly red-glowing sky. He wanted to use his soul power to perceive, but when he thought about it for a moment, his head hurt like it was about to explode.

After going back to the room and sitting down, Ying Lan gave a detailed account of his physical condition.

"So until the toxin is stabilized, Mr. Emperor, it's better not to use your soul power." Ying Lan said.

Di Kongxuan took a deep breath and said, "I know. You can go out."

Ying Lan put down the medicine: "Then remember to drink the medicine and stop running around."

Di Kongxuan took the medicine bowl and drank it all in one gulp, then sat cross-legged on the bed, slowly sank his mind, and referenced the soul power in the sea of ​​consciousness little by little.

This kind of pain even surpassed the penetrating wound in his chest, but he still gritted his teeth, desperately trying to gather his soul power.

Because he knew better than anyone else that Duanmu Yi and Mo Zhanfeng would not be Zhu Yan's opponent.

Pfft - A figure in mid-air flew upside down from the spirit fire domain, with blood spurting out of its mouth, which was instantly evaporated by the terrifying high temperature.

Unable to maintain the flexible domain, it began to retract, retracting into the person's body.

Mo Zhanfeng's figure appeared behind her, supporting her back: "Are you okay?"

Duanmuyi took a rough breath, looked at the elder in charge who appeared not far away, and said in a low voice: "So strong... so this is the power of the transformation stage?"

Mo Zhanfeng said behind her: "His power is even stronger than Di Kongxuan, but he has a weakness, which is not his own power. I guess, he can suddenly have such a powerful power, he must have paid something The price. Perhaps, this is our only chance of victory."

(End of this chapter)

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