Chapter 1636

"You find a way to drag him to the ground." Duanmuyi said suddenly.

Mo Zhanfeng was slightly taken aback: "Are you sure?"

"You have to try!" Duan Muyi added, "Go to the other side of the Dan River, the monster battlefield, and don't hurt the cultivators."

Mo Zhanfeng nodded: "Leave it to me."

He didn't know what kind of secret technique he used, but the aura in his body rose again, a strong fragrance of medicinal pills emanated from his body, and the wound on Duanmuyi's body healed immediately!

He flew towards the elder in charge, turned the long sword in his hand into a heavy hammer, swung it high, and smashed it directly at the elder in charge.

"How long do you think you can last with such a secret method of burning cultivation!" The elder in charge replied with a sneer, and at the same time raised his palm to meet his heavy hammer.

As soon as the hammer fell, the figure of the elder in charge shook.

Mo Zhanfeng didn't stop, one hammer after another, he hit the elder in charge directly to the ground.

It's now!

Duanmuyi meditated on his mind and released it from the "control" skill he had comprehended. The majestic and boundless soul power enveloped the surrounding fields like a gentle spring breeze.

This is the first time she has used this self-created skill after entering the Nascent Soul stage.

All the monsters shrouded by her soul power entered a state of chaos almost at the same time.

Duanmuyi raised his hand and pointed at the elder in charge, and said in a cold voice, "Push over there and tear him apart!"

The elder in charge happened to be hammered to the ground by Mo Zhanfeng with eight hammers, and fell into the crowd of monsters.Mo Zhanfeng had exhausted all his strength, and he couldn't even maintain his body, so he jumped into the black gourd on Duanmuyi's waist.

"I tried my best……"

Duanmuyi smiled slightly: "Next, leave it to me."

She spread her soul power endlessly, controlled hundreds of thousands of monsters, and controlled all the spiritual creatures on both sides of the Dan River. Suddenly, all the attacks in the world fell on the elder in charge.

The elder in charge let out a stern roar, even the cultivation level of Zhu Yan in his body could not withstand millions of attacks.

Duanmuyi quickly mobilized the power of essence and blood, condensed the spiritual fire of the domain in his palm, flew down like an arrow, and pressed one hand on the head of the elder in charge.

"Let's die together!" The elder in charge suddenly stretched out his hand and firmly grasped Duan Muyi's arm.

Duanmuyi frowned slightly, arched his body and kicked his chest, trying to break free.

The eyes of the elder in charge began to protrude, and two kinds of light, black on the left and red on the right, began to spread from his eyes to his whole body, like two tentacles firmly grasping her arms.

"Not good! Master be careful, he's going to blow himself up!" The ear fox yelled and swooped down from the sky.

But it was too late.

The red and black light on the elder in charge swelled to the extreme, then shrank suddenly, and immediately a loud roar sounded in the group of monsters.

The flesh and blood of countless monsters were blown up, and even the water of the Dan River was evaporated instantly in the explosion. The practitioners on the other side of the Dan River were affected by the explosion. The rest suffered internal injuries.

Even the aftermath is so amazing, Duanmuyi in the center of the explosion, can he still survive?

Xin Xuerou waved away the smoke and dust in front of her eyes, looked at the thick smoke on the other side of the Dan River, and smiled from the corner of her mouth—how wonderful, this unprecedented disaster was solved, and that annoying woman disappeared.

"How great it is to be a heroine." She raised her hand and tidied her temples with a gentle smile.

(End of this chapter)

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