Chapter 1639

Duanmuyi stood at the door, looking at the violent aesthetics in front of him that didn't fit his own aesthetics, turned his head to look at the people next to him, and said, "Don't kick the door next time, it looks very unstyled."

After being taught, Hu Yuexi asked, "What should I do next time I encounter this situation?"

"Caught Duanmu Xiaoxiao, killed him with one blow, hung it on the door, and killed chickens to scare monkeys." Duanmu Yi replied flatly.

Hu Yuexi worshiped him.

The voice of an elder came from inside, as if he was teaching some clansman: "What black alliance? The black alliance has been repelled by us, what nonsense!"

The clansman seemed to be frightened, and tremblingly said: "I really saw it, all of them are tall and strong men like pillars."

As soon as he finished speaking, the two men met each other.

The "tall and strong" man Duanmuyi raised his hand and greeted him with a sweet smile and cold eyes: "Fourth Elder, long time no see, are you still healthy?"

Seeing her, the Fourth Elder frowned slightly, and clearly showed his dislike and disgust on his face.

"What are you doing here?"

Duanmuyi walked in, looked around, and smiled slightly: "I'll go home and have a look, is there any problem?"

"Why go home? Do you still have the face to say this is your home?" The Fourth Elder sneered, "How many times have the family invited you, but you still refuse to come back, do you still think you are a member of the Duanmu family?"

Duanmuyi seemed to come to his senses suddenly, clapped his hands and smiled and said: "Ah, I was wrong, the house I said was the courtyard where I lived before, and it's in--here, right? Fourth Elder, you don't have to send it away once you get old. I'll go by myself."

"Stop!" The Fourth Elder stretched out his hand to stop him.

Duanmuyi's brows sank, and his palms stuck to his arms. The next second, the spirit fire of the domain activated, and the fourth elder was surrounded by the crystal blue spirit fire without warning. But it couldn't stop the terrifying heat of the spirit fire.

"How dare you act presumptuously in my Duanmu family!" A roar came from a distance, and immediately a flash of spiritual light rushed towards his face.

Duanmu Yifei backed away, clasped his hands together and pulled them apart. Countless vines woven into a fine net, unexpectedly blocked the aura.

The aura faded, it was a sword, and the owner of the sword was also an old acquaintance.

"Patriarch Duanmu, please stay safe." Facing this person, Duanmu Yi didn't even bother to pretend to smile. He looked at him coldly, twisted his palms, and the vines swept away, directly wrapping Duanmu Hong inside.

Duanmuhong is only at the beginning of Yuanying's cultivation, and his cultivation has stopped here in his life, so he is definitely not Duanmuyi's opponent.

It's a pity he didn't come alone.

The people who came after him made Duanmu Yi fear the most.

Duanmuhong was rescued by the first elder in a panic, and immediately the first elder forced Duanmuyi, who had no choice but to withdraw the spirit fire from the fourth elder.

If so, the Fourth Elder has also been burned into coke by the spiritual fire, and he can barely breathe, but he is already unconscious.

The Great Elder glanced at Duanmuyi and said, "What a vicious method."

"Vicious?" Duanmuyi smiled coolly, seeming to be mocking himself or the person opposite, "When you forced my mother to marry Shen Hui, did you ever think of the word vicious? When you killed my whole family, did you ever think of the word vicious?" Didn't you think about it? When you threw me into the Dan River, did you think that I would be here today? If this is called viciousness, I am willing to be vicious. After all, good people are bullied."

(End of this chapter)

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