Chapter 1640

Duanmuhong clutched his chest injured by the vine, and said coldly: "Your mother is originally from my Duanmu family. The Duanmu family gave birth to her and raised her. Now it is impossible for her to do anything. It is really ungrateful."

Duanmuyi felt that he had heard the most ridiculous joke in the world.

She didn't want to talk nonsense with these bastard grandsons anymore, she raised her hand, and the spiritual power in the palm turned into a long sword. The crystal blue spiritual fire danced around the sword body, and it was a sharp weapon for harvesting life.

The loud siren spread throughout the Duanmu family, and the tranquility of the morning was completely broken, and all the clansmen flocked.

At this time, Duanmuyi had already fought all the way to the big square of the Duanmu family.

Hu Yuexi knocked one person out casually, leaned back to her, frowned and said: "There are too many people, how long do we have to fight?"

"When you come to kick the hall, you must be mentally prepared to kick the iron board." Duanmu smiled nonchalantly, "These are just shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and they will be dismissed with a wave of the hand."

Hu Yuexi stretched her arms: "That's right, I just warmed up. But why are we here? Isn't this encircled?"

"Because here——" Duanmuyi looked at the towering jade pillars all around, and the smile on his lips sank a little bit, "—this is the place where my father and mother were killed."

She carried all the memories of the original owner of this body, and she could still clearly recall the day when she and her younger brother were tied to the jade pillar, watching Duanmuhong execute the family law with his own hands, beheading her parents here.

Then she wanted to take her younger brother to escape, but his younger brother was killed, and she was also arrested, tortured by Duanmu Xiaoxiao, and finally thrown into the Dan River.

If she hadn't come here by chance, maybe the real Duanmuyi had already turned into the sand in the Dan River without a trace.

Since then, the Duanmu family has continued their glory, and no one knows the filth behind them.

Duanmuyi raised his sword steadily and pointed at Duanmuhong: "If you have the guts, let's fight!"

"You juniors, how can you let the patriarch take action!" Several elders stood up and said solemnly, "Let the old man come and learn!"

Saying that, except for the great elder, the other four elders flew towards her at the same time.

Hu Yuexi said angrily: "It's shameless to bully the few with the more!"

"Their skins are already as thick as their age." Duanmuyi sneered, and swung his sword to meet them.

Since she fought against the entire monster army with her own power and defeated the elder in charge, her cultivation has firmly stood at the peak of the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and she is one step away from entering the late stage of Nascent Soul.

And with the blessing of the spirit fire, she has no fear even in the face of people in the late Yuanying period.

These four elders are only the cultivation base of Yuan Ying's early stage, even if the four of them besiege her, they are not afraid at all.

Duanmuhong stood on the high platform of the square, looked at the four elders who were completely suppressed in the distance, and clenched his teeth - who would have thought that the girl who was regarded as a waste by the family back then would grow into a genius today.

How old is she?

If I remember correctly, this girl is two years older than Duanmu Xiaoxiao, and she is only nineteen this year.

A 19-year-old girl with a mid-Yuanying cultivation base is no longer a genius, but a monster.

If she hadn't been kicked out at the beginning, this person is now the best talent among the younger generation of the Duanmu family, what a pity...

While regretting, Duanmuhong turned his head and said to the Great Elder: "This girl must be eliminated."

(End of this chapter)

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