Chapter 1641

The Great Elder naturally understood what he meant, and said confidently, "She is no match for this old man."

"Thank you, Great Elder." Duanmuhong said, bowing to him.

At this time, the four elders were wounded by Duanmuyi and fell to the ground. Before Duanmuyi could go up to make up the knife, a strange strong wind hit behind him.

The Great Elder finally made a move.

From the corner of his eyes, Duanmuyi saw that Hu Yuexi had already stepped forward, so he ignored the person on the ground and turned to meet the attack of the Great Elder.

Just as Di Kongxuan said when he mocked the Great Elder at the beginning—half-step transformation into a god, in the end it is a big difference from transformation into a god.

And her current cultivation base in the middle stage of Nascent Soul is also much worse than that of the Great Elder.

Even with the spiritual fire, she is not sure of victory.

And the dual bloodlines have been activated too many times, and Jiang Su repeatedly told her not to use them anymore—unless it is absolutely necessary.After all, the activation of the dual bloodlines depends on the power of the blood essence. Once the blood essence is exhausted, even the god Da Luo can't save her.

Even so, it is not easy for the Great Elder to defeat her.

Under the attack of the two, the entire Duanmu family was almost reduced to ruins. The clansmen tremblingly looked at the woman in the air. No one could have imagined that the little girl who was bullied by others back then was now something they wanted to look up to.

The battle is still going on, Duanmuyi is already at a disadvantage.

Even so, she has become a myth in the hearts of everyone.

Just when everyone thought that the winner was going to be decided, there was a sudden roar from below, and the four elders were cut off limbs one by one by Hu Yuexi, and then Hu Yuexi didn't stop, and flew into the air.

"What are you doing here!" Duanmu hit the Great Elder with a slap, and flew upside down, only to be caught by Hu Yuexi.

Hu Yuexi pulled her back and said, "Cousin, you can't go on like this, you are not his opponent. Let's go together, avenge my cousin and aunt, I have a share too!"

Duanmu wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth and nodded.

Hu Yuexi suddenly stepped back half a step, and changed her fingers with both hands. In the blink of an eye, the breath on her body changed drastically.

She raised her head, her eyes suddenly became sharp, she pointed to the sky with one arm, and shouted: "Nine-tailed Sky Fox!"

There was a muffled thunder in the sky, and everyone looked up one after another, and their expressions changed drastically in an instant.The clouds were surging, and a statue of a nine-tailed celestial fox appeared in the clear sky. The fox's eyes opened, and two golden lights shot down from the fox's eyes, blasting the main hall of the Duanmu family into ruins with a bang.

"Demon King Sacred Elephant!" The Great Elder's complexion suddenly changed.

This demon emperor is the real blood of the demon clan's royal family, and is completely different from Zhu Yan who is possessed by the elder in charge.

With such power, it would be a death sentence for the Great Elder to meet him.

"She can't hold on." The Great Elder looked at Hu Yuexi's flushed face and came to a conclusion.

Hu Yuexi's cultivation was only at the peak of the Golden Core Late Stage, and he was able to summon the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox thanks to his royal blood, but this was definitely not a long-term solution.

The great elder knew it, but Duanmu knew it better.

So Duanmuyi was faster than the First Elder. She saw the opportunity and flew towards the First Elder. In the blink of an eye, the overwhelming vines spread and bound the First Elder's limbs.

The Nine-Tailed Sky Fox's eyes fell on the Great Elder across the high sky.

The Great Elder desperately resisted the golden light from the nine-tailed sky fox's eyes, and spurted a mouthful of blood from his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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