Chapter 1642

At the next moment, the spirit sword in Duanmuyi's hand dissipated, and the Seven Treasure Blade fell into the palm of his hand, piercing the Great Elder's heart without hesitation.

The Great Elder had no power to resist and fell from mid-air.

Duanmu Hongfei stepped forward to catch him, and fell back to the high platform.

Hu Yuexi couldn't hold on either, she fell down pale and was caught by Duanmuyi.

"Are you okay?" Duanmuyi asked.

Hu Yuexi shook her head and said, "Now, no one can stop us."

Duanmu thought that this might not be the case - Jiang Xun said that each family of the Spirit Clan has its own magic weapon to protect the clan. It is impossible for the Duanmu family to have only one elder, and there must be more powerful backhands.

She could only take the first step before they could react.

"Go down and rest, we'll fight quickly." Duanmuyi sent her back to the ground, and immediately the soul power spread, covering the entire square quickly.

She stood in front of Duanmuhong, surrounded by spiritual fire, and said coldly: "The revenge I avenge is only related to Duanmuhong and others. You will disperse on your own. I will not hurt innocent people."

The members of the Duanmu family looked around, although they were terrified, none of them dared to lift their legs and leave.

Duanmuyi smiled coldly.

"Yi'er!" A man's shout sounded from the corridor in the distance, Duanmu Yi looked up, Duanmu Shenzhou was blocked by several clansmen, desperately trying to run towards this side.

I heard him shouting from a distance: "Yi'er, go quickly, don't be confused!"

Duanmuyi lowered her eyes, looked at Duanmuhong who was not far away, and leaped towards him with the spiritual fire in her hand.

But at the same moment, Duanmuhong suddenly raised his head to the sky and shouted loudly, "Fix the formation!"

Duanmuyi was alerted immediately, and flew up to leave the high platform, but unexpectedly, the high platform under his feet collapsed suddenly, Duanmuhong and others fell under the high platform, and then runes lit up in all directions, and Duanmuyi was wrapped in a heavenly net in a daze .


"Yi'er..." Di Kongxuan, who had been in a coma for several days, suddenly opened his eyes from the bed.

Jiang Su looked at him sideways, and was startled—he had never seen such a frightened look in Di Kongxuan's eyes, was he having a nightmare?

Di Kongxuan's eyes were empty and lifeless, and it took a long time before he gradually recovered his spirit.

He turned his head to see Jiang Yi, first pressed his forehead in pain, and then asked, "Where is Duanmuyi?"

Jiang Yi was silent for a while, but said, "Xin Ruqing is dying soon."

"I asked you about Duanmuyi!" Di Kongxuan's ears seemed to be able to automatically block any news except Duanmuyi, and only stared at Jiang asking questions.

Jiang Su pursed his lips, sighed after a while, and said, "She has gone to the Duanmu family."

Di Kongxuan suddenly clenched his fists, turned over and was about to get out of bed.

Jiang Yi held him down: "You can't work harder! Look at yourself now. Once again, I can't guarantee whether you will survive or not!"

"If she dies, everything I have is empty talk." Di Kongxuan stared at Jiang Yi and said indifferently.

"Hu Yuexi and Mo Zhanfeng are following her..."

Before Jiang Su finished speaking, Ying Lan ran in in a panic: "Patriarch, it's not good!"

The two men in the room turned their heads to stare at her at the same time. Ying Lan realized that she had lost her composure, but she didn't know whether to continue talking.

"Say!" Di Kongxuan gritted his teeth.

Jiang Sui frowned slightly, and then softened his tone: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Hu Yuexi is back...she..." Before Yinglan finished her sentence, a gust of wind swept her away, and she was knocked into a stagger and fell into Jiang Yi's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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