Chapter 1644

"You!" Duanmu Xiaoxiao wanted to continue to torture her, but Duanmuhong's voice suddenly sounded outside: "Enough, Xiao Xiao."

Duanmu Xiaoxiao turned her head and said coquettishly: "Father, she humiliated our Duanmu family so much, I would teach her lightly."

Duanmuhong pampered her head and said: "What we want is her blood essence. If you torture her to death, the blood essence will be useless. After you get her blood essence, enter the golden elixir." Both the Nascent Soul Stage and the Nascent Soul Stage are easy things to do, and at that time, it's up to you to deal with her."

"What Daddy said is right!" Duanmu Xiaoxiao looked at Duanmuyi with a greedy look in his eyes.

Duanmuyi lay on the ground, the smile on his lips was extremely cold.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao asked worriedly again: "By the way, what if someone comes to rescue her... The family's formation has been activated once, and it will take at least three days to restore it before it can be activated again."

"No one can come to save her." Duanmuhong said coldly, "The jade slip on her body can contact Jiang Sui, but the formation cuts off all the spiritual energy, so Jiang Sui can't perceive it. What's more, even if Jiang Sui perceives it , and dare not come here rashly, he is the patriarch of the Jialan tribe, and it is against the rules to do anything to the people of the spirit tribe without authorization."

"Di Kongxuan..."

Duanmuhong said disdainfully: "The news from Pavilion Master Xin said that Di Kongxuan is still in a coma. He was seriously injured in this battle. Even if he can wake up, the formation will have already been repaired by then."

Duanmu Xiaoxiao heaved a sigh of relief, and asked eagerly, "Then when shall we take her blood?"

Just as Duanmuhong was about to speak, there was a commotion outside the dungeon.

Someone shouted outside: "Father, please let my sister go!"

A clansman ran in and said with a troubled expression: "Patriarch, the eldest son knelt outside, his head was smashed, and he kept saying, please let Duanmuyi go..."

Duanmuhong's face darkened: "This guy eats everything! Let him kneel!"

"The Eldest Young Master has been in poor health. If this continues, I'm afraid..." The clansmen were a little worried.

Duanmuhong was silent for a moment, then turned and walked out.

He was heard teaching from a distance: "Beast! All the deaths and injuries of the elders of the family are all thanks to this femme fatale woman! You have to remember, no matter what, you are the future patriarch of the Duanmu family! The hope of the whole family! It's all on your shoulders, if you do such stupid things again for the love of your children, tomorrow I will let you see Duanmuyi's body hanging here!"

Duanmuyi slowly clenched his fists, as if he didn't want to listen to the conversation between the father and son outside.

I'm afraid Duanmu Shenzhou didn't know, the more he begged for her, the stronger Duanmu Hong and Duanmu Xiaoxiao's desire to kill her became.

Maybe he thought he was as deep as the sea, but in fact, he was as stupid as a pig.

Sure enough, Duanmu Xiaoxiao was angered again.

She stepped on the back of Duanmuyi's injured hand, leaned down and said coldly: "I really don't know what tricks you have to make my brother give up on you."

"Do you want essence and blood?" Duanmuyi said suddenly.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao froze for a moment.

Duanmu Yi raised his bloody face, and Duanmu Xiaoxiao took two steps back in fright.

Her tone was even and steady, and she said lightly: "I can give you blood, but I have one condition."

After Duanmuyi was controlled by the formation, everything in her body was searched, including the jade slip that Jiang Yi gave her and the black jade gourd that had been hanging around her waist.

(End of this chapter)

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