Chapter 1645

The jade slips are useless at present, but Duanmuyi still wants to pin his last hope on Mo Zhanfeng.

She bet that the Duanmu family didn't know the real identity of Mo Zhanfeng, nor the meaning of that black jade gourd.

"You want that black jade gourd?" Duanmu Xiaoxiao looked at her vigilantly, "What do you want to do?"

Duanmuyi lowered his eyes and smiled contemptuously: "What else can I do now? Are you still afraid of me?"

Duanmu Xiaoxiao shrank her pupils, as if she had been told the deepest thoughts in her heart, she shouted sharply: "Am I afraid of you? Afraid of you a dead dog!" She said, raised the whip in her hand again, ruthlessly He lashed Duanmuyi several times to discourage him.

The black jade gourd was handed over to Duanmuhong after several rounds.

After checking, Duanmuhong didn't find any problems, so he said, "Give it to her. With her current appearance, there won't be any disturbances. It would be best if she willingly handed over her blood."

Duanmuyi stuffed the black jade gourd into his arms, praying that Mo Zhanfeng would wake up soon.

"Get the blood." Duanmu Hong looked down at her from above, raised his hand, and threw three jade bottles to her.

One jade bottle, one drop, three jade bottles, that is three drops.

Duanmuyi curled his lips into a smile - really greedy.

There are only ten drops of blood essence in her body. Although the lost blood essence can be automatically generated after decades, she has already lost three drops of blood essence in recent years. If she gives them three more drops now, her cultivation will definitely There is a lot of loss.

Still have to delay.

Thinking so, Duanmu Yi took the dagger handed over by Duanmu Xiaoxiao, and stabbed himself in the heart without hesitation.

Because the spiritual power was suppressed by the formation, she couldn't use a gentle method to get the blood essence, so she could only be so rough.

Duanmu Xiaoxiao who was pierced by the knife frowned slightly, thinking that a lowly person really doesn't know pain, and can be so cruel to himself.

Soon, along with the gushing blood, a drop of extraordinarily beautiful blood essence exuded a fragrance and fell into the jade bottle.

Duanmuyi dropped the knife and raised his hand to hold his heart.

Duanmuhong said coldly: "Three drops."

"Sorry, with my current ability, I can only give you one drop first." Duanmuyi looked at him with pale lips, and said, "The water of the Dan River destroyed my internal organs, and your formation suppressed my internal organs again." Lingli, I can't give you three drops of blood at once."

I don't know whether it was her pale face that stabilized Duanmuhong, or her method of taking blood with a sharp knife made the father and daughter very satisfied. In short, they let Duanmuyi go temporarily.

"Come pick it up tomorrow." Duanmu Hong said, and walked out with Duanmu Xiaoxiao.

They are eager to refine this drop of blood, just like a greedy person who gets a treasure, they must put it in the safest place as soon as possible.

The crisis was temporarily lifted, Duanmuyi leaned against the cold wall, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, slowly raised his hand, and touched his bruised and bruised face.

She lowered her head, opened her lips slightly, and finally cursed tremblingly: "Fuck!"

She closed her eyes and listened for a while, feeling that there should be no one eavesdropping around, and immediately put her hand on the black jade gourd in her arms, and said in a low voice: "Mo Zhanfeng, how long are you going to sleep? If I had known you were so You're unreliable, why did my old lady spend so much time refining that damn pill for you?"

The black jade gourd did not respond.


(End of this chapter)

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