Chapter 1653

"How long do you think it will take?" Duanmuyi turned his head and asked.

Di Kongxuan shook his head, his expression was not relaxed.

On the northwest side of Xuanye Continent, in a magnificent building complex, someone looked at the water mirror in front of him and let out a sneer.

"Is it finally here?" The young man stretched his waist and casually ordered, "Kill people in the ascension passage, be careful."

A piece of wind drifted silently behind him, silently.

"Although the Cangyang Continent is just a small game I play, losing the game always makes people unhappy." The young man smiled grimly, and when he clenched his fist, the water mirror in front of him shattered.

Just when the little one was about to fall asleep, suddenly the whole passage trembled, and a crack opened on the side of the passage that was originally intact!

Duanmuyi's eyelids twitched, and almost subconsciously, he wrapped the little boy in his arms, raised his hand, and opened the spiritual fire domain.

The string-scattering force squeezed the gap open, and more and more string-scattering forces almost occupied their way forward!

Di Kongxuan raised his hand and took out a sword, trying to pull Duanmuyi into the gap.

If you can avoid touching the loose string force, try not to touch it.

However, the unraveling force is increasing, and finally it is inevitable to encounter it!
Di Kongxuan held Duanmuyi with one hand, and blocked the string-scattering force with the other. Duanmuyi had no choice but to break free from his hand and resist the string-scattering force together.

"What's going on!" Duanmuyi asked.

Di Kongxuan said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid some people don't want to see us transform into gods."

Duanmuyi understood instantly: "Is it the mysterious power behind the elder in charge of the Black League?"

Di Kongxuan nodded.

"Damn it!" Duanmuyi raised his eyes, and saw a group of entangled strings rushing towards Dikongxuan's back, he didn't care about thinking, he raised his hand, and pulled Dikongxuan behind him.At the same time, Di Kongxuan discovered the danger on the passage wall behind Duanmuyi, and pulled her behind him.

The two of them staggered, and the mass of scattered strings hit Duanmuyi's back, but Di Kongxuan was thrown by Duanmuyi to the passage wall.

Di Kongxuan sensed that something was wrong, and stretched out his hand to grab Duanmuyi, but the force of loose strings had already enveloped him.

Duanmuyi was startled and shouted: "Di Kongxuan!"

"Go!" A force suddenly came from behind her, pulling her to avoid the bursting force.

Mo Zhanfeng pursed his lips and glanced at Di Kongxuan's direction, without hesitation, he pulled Duanmuyi and rushed towards the exit.At the same time, he stretched out his hand to grab it, and patted Duanmuyi's brow with a flash of spiritual light.

The last soul from Xin Ruqing has finally returned to her place!

"Mo Zhanfeng, you..." Duanmuyi didn't have time to speak, and had already passed out.

Mo Zhanfeng pushed her out of the passage, turned his head, and found that a piece of Di Kongxuan's clothes was exposed in the pile of scattered strings, so he gritted his teeth and went back to save him.

"I really owe you..."

The roe deer lowered its head and pulled a large light blue canopy cart along the spacious road with all its strength. The golden silk sacs of tangled grapes hanging by the window swayed, and the fragrance of medicine overflowed.

Anyone with a discerning eye can recognize that it is the car of the Baicao tribe.

The cart came to a smooth stop in front of a pointed building, and the roe beast transformed into a man who looked like a servant, and came forward to open the car door: "Young Master, the registration office is here."

A young gentleman in a blue robe stepped out of the car, with regular facial features, gentle eyebrows and eyes, a natural smiling lip under the bridge of a tall nose, like a light stroke of cinnabar, the person in the painting came to life.

(End of this chapter)

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