Chapter 1654

The girls on the side of the road all looked straight at him, but because of the identity of that person, no one dared to go forward.

This person is Yu Tingsong, the young son of the Baicao Clan. At a young age, he is in charge of the seven most important divisions of the alchemist's general department.

However, at this moment, Yu Tingsong turned his head and held out a hand to the carriage.

"Need help?"

A woman's Qingyue voice came from inside the carriage: "It's okay, I can do it myself." Then, one person jumped out of the carriage. For some reason, he saw that his face was pale and even sallow, his figure was thin, and he was wearing loose clothes. Her body was neither fish nor fowl, it looked like a hemp stick wrapped in a piece of cloth.

Seeing that such a woman came out of Yutingsong's car, the girls on the side of the road felt unwilling, and only complained in their hearts that this sick woman must be the young master's patient, it must be like this.

"Woman like a sick ghost" is Duanmuyi.

She was kicked out of the ascension tunnel, and she didn't even see who kicked her clearly, and was swept out by the turbulence of space. When she woke up again, she was already in this carriage.

Dikongxuan and Didudu father and son didn't know where they went, and when they asked this man, he said that she was the only one when he rescued her.

Duanmu was worried, but now that he had a lot of problems, it was really difficult to find two people in the entire Xuanye Continent.

She can only take care of her body first.

"You have just ascended, so it should be unclear. Every ascendant who has just arrived in Xuanye Continent needs to register at the registration office and receive a life card. Only in this way can he be regarded as a person with a household registration, otherwise he can be seen everywhere in Xuanye Continent." The force of loose strings can strangle you." Yu Tingsong said, leading her into the gate of the registration office.

An attendant came up inside, dressed well and behaved politely. Duanmuyi didn't behave improperly because of his poor image. He smiled and said, "Miss, are you here to register?"

"Mr. Ge Ya, please come and see me." Yu Tingsong handed over a private seal.

The attendant took a look at it, was stunned for a moment, and his expression became more respectful: "So it's Young Master Yu, please come with me." He called a person and asked him to invite Mr. Ge Ya, and he took the two of them up. On the second floor, tea and snacks are served.

Yu Tingsong pushed a plate of dim sum in front of Duanmu Yi: "You can try it, the dim sum here is delicious."

Duanmuyi has been drinking medicine these days, and his three meals a day are bland porridge. Hearing what he said, he naturally would not refuse, and asked while eating: "Thank you for coming these days, I haven't asked for advice yet, young master He seems to be a noble person, how could he come to the rescue?"

"If you don't ask, I'll pretend you don't care." Yu Tingsong smiled slightly and looked at her probingly, "If I tell my identity in detail, I wonder if the girl would exchange your name?"

Duanmu Yi quickly finished half a plate of dim sum, and put on an impeccable smile: "Forget it, we meet by chance, thank you chivalrous man."

Yu Tingsong couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and an old man's hearty laughter came over: "Why is my nephew free to come to this remote village today to visit this old man?"

"Uncle Ge Ya." Yu Tingsong stood up and bowed politely, "Please sit down."

(End of this chapter)

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