Chapter 1655

Although Ge Ya claims to be an old man, he actually looks like a young man. A cultivator has reached the state of becoming a god and has a lifespan of thousands of years. It is never difficult to maintain a youthful appearance.

"Is it necessary to register?" Ge Ya looked at Duan Muyi with a gentle expression, "Which clan is the girl from?"

Duanmuyi thought for a while, although he was married to Di Kongxuan and had a child, it would be too abrupt to say that he is from the Dijiang clan rashly, so he changed his words: "My father is from the Yao clan."

Ge Ya paused, his eyes showing surprise.

Yu Tingsong obviously didn't expect that she was a descendant of the Yaozu. Speaking of which, the Yaozu still has a family name in the Cangyang Continent, but they don't even have a household registration in the Xuanye Continent. The seven major tribes became attendants or even servants, while the higher-ranking Yaozu people went directly to survive outside the territory.

"This... Monster Race..." Ge Ya smiled wryly, "Where's your mother? Is she also a Monster Race?"

Duanmuyi lowered his eyes, his eyes flickered slightly, and he immediately felt relieved: "My mother is from the Spirit Race."

Forget it, she has already left the Cangyang Continent, and the Duanmu family was also destroyed by her and Di Kongxuan, and now there is only one Duanmu sinking boat to support it, and the years of hatred have dissipated, so there is no need to be persistent.

"Oh, the Spirit Clan—" Ge Ya breathed a sigh of relief, "Then I will give you the household registration of the Sheng Ling Clan."

"Sheng Ling clan?" Duan Muyi looked at Yu Ting Song.

Yu Tingsong said with a slight smile: "Your Spirit Clan is also divided into many families, but the ascendants of all families belong to the same tribe here, that is the Sheng Ling Clan."

Ge Ya smiled: "I still have some friendship with the old man Dongfang of the Shengling clan, and that young man Jiang Shao is also very good. Girl, what's your name?"

Yu Tingsong also looked at her, with a smile in his eyes that he couldn't hide.

Just now he refused to say his name, but now we have to see how she handles it.

Who would have thought that Duanmuyi said openly: "Duanmuyi."

There is no sign of Fang Cai hiding from Yu Tingsong at all.

Yu Tingsong withdrew his smile helplessly: "So the girl is from Duanmu's family."

Ge Ya asked about her cultivation level and age again, and she couldn't help being surprised by her amazing talent again.Ge Ya asked for one of Duanmuyi's hair, and left to help her with the household registration.

Yu Ting Song shook his clothes and saluted: "I'm going down to Yu Ting Song, a disciple of the Baicao Clan, I've offended you so much, please forgive me, Miss Duanmu."

"You saved me, and you took so much trouble to heal me, how can you call it an offense." Duan Muyi lowered his eyes. The name of the Baicao Clan is no stranger. I mentioned to her the Baicao Clan, a large tribe thousands of years ago.

She thought about it, but still didn't ask rashly.

Yu Tingsong can be said to be polite to her now, but he can't guarantee what she shouldn't say, causing unnecessary trouble.

Now Di Kongxuan is not by her side, and she knows nothing about this mysterious Xuanye Continent, so she has to be careful every step of the way.

"The family motto of the Baicao Clan is to hang the pot to help the world. There is no reason to see death without saving it." Yu Tingsong's smile returned to his face, "But my trip is to teach at Xuanye College, and it is inconvenient to bring you in with me. Why don't you accompany you to the Shengling Clan to settle down first."

Another strange name, Xuan Ye Academy?
Seeing that Duanmuyi's expression was not happy, Yu Tingsong thought of how badly she had been injured when she first ascended...

(End of this chapter)

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