Chapter 1656

Apparently something unexpected happened, this kind of situation rarely happened to Ascensioners, it seems that she offended someone in Xuan Ye Continent.

It's probably inappropriate to send it back to the Shengling Clan hastily this time.

Thinking of this, Yu Tingsong changed his words: "Or wherever you want to go, I can send someone to escort you there."

Duanmuyi asked: "What is Xuanye College...?"

"Xuanye Academy is the place where the outstanding students of the seven major tribes in the entire Xuanye Continent study. It offers many courses such as exercises, medicine refining, actual combat, and cultivation. The top talents in the mainland are not necessarily from Xuanye Academy. Those who come from the academy must stand at the pinnacle of the strong in the mainland." Yu Tingsong said with a rare air of arrogance.

To be able to study in Xuanye Academy is already among the best.

He just said that he was going to teach, which shows that his ability is even more outstanding.

But—Duanmu realized another level, since Xuanye College is so dazzling, now that the three of them are separated, Di Kongxuan and Di Dudu are not the ones who will sit and wait for death, the biggest choice must be Xuanye College!

Now is the school season, it is not difficult for Di Kongxuan to get in.

As for Di Dudu, he has been restless since his mother's womb, and Duanmuyi is not worried about him at all.

At this moment, Duan Muyi only thought that someone had rescued the three of them from the Ascension Passage, but he didn't know that Di Kongxuan was wrapped in the string force in the Ascension Passage at that time. If Mo Zhanfeng hadn't appeared suddenly, he might have died In the ascension channel.


"What's the background of that young master? He hides in the carriage all day long and sees no one."

"I thought the Second Young Master looked cold enough, but I didn't expect that there was a Tang Young Master who couldn't hold back a word for three days, and his whole body was full of the aura of not being close to strangers. I heard that apart from the Second Young Master, No one can communicate with him."

"Shouldn't he be a fool?"


The whispering in the station stopped immediately, and two tall young men came in from the door, one of them was wearing a soft armor, the cloak was buckled on his shoulders with a metal buckle, and a slender tassel was hanging from the tassel. There is a clear word "Fa" engraved on it, which is the uniform of Xuanye College's law enforcement team.

The other person was wearing Xuanye College's brand new uniform for freshmen, which was cut from heavy sand brocade. It was like rippling water when walking, and the lines were smooth and fit the body shape so that he could move freely under any circumstances. It was elegant and simple.

As soon as the two entered the door, the air in the entire inn seemed to drop three degrees colder.

But the sound of inhaling one after another is still clearly audible.

The man in the uniform of the freshmen's hospital had long and narrow phoenix eyes with a deep and dark color, and if he looked at them more, he would seem to be plunged into the eternal night.

The lips were pursed into a line, as if a frost flower was about to condense.

There is only a little red cinnabar between his eyebrows, which makes his whole person have another eye-catching color besides black and white.

It was just this bit of color that made his aura stand out from the indifference, making him a little more coquettish and charming.

He never showed his face in the past few days, either sitting in the car or staying away from the crowd, but today he was brought out by Di Mingkun for the first time, and immediately amazed everyone.

"You will arrive at the Baicao Clan tomorrow, so let's go rest first." Di Mingkun looked at the people around him, unable to squeeze a false smile on his stiff face, and said bluntly, "It's okay if you lose your memory, the two heads of the Baicao Clan They are all masters of medicine, without them, they can't be cured."

(End of this chapter)

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