Chapter 1657

Di Kongxuan lowered his eyes and slowly walked up the stairs.

Di Mingkun was used to his taciturnity, and he also didn't like to make noise, so he didn't say anything more, and only ordered someone to go to the Baicao Clan to pass a greeting card.

Before reporting to Xuan Ye College, it's better to restore his memory.

Otherwise, with his temperament, he might not be able to get along with the freshmen.

Di Kongxuan walked into his guest room, closed the door, and sat down at the table.Ripples appeared in the air beside him, the spiritual pet space opened, and a sturdy man appeared beside him.


"You Yuan, do you remember anything?"

You Yuan, who turned into a human form, shook his head, and said honestly: "Everything about the pet follows the master's thoughts. If the master forgets the past, You Yuan will also forget it."

Di Kongxuan sighed softly, supported his forehead, and couldn't help pressing.

His head was heavy and throbbed from time to time, all the past was blank, but there was a voice deep in his heart, telling him that what he had forgotten was the most precious memory.

After he woke up, the doctor of the Dijiang tribe told him that an accident occurred during the ascension process, and the string force invaded his spiritual consciousness, cutting all the memories into pieces. It is not impossible to recover, but the opportunity very small.

There is no him in the genealogy, but the blood recognizes that he belongs to the Dijiang clan.

Later, for some reason, the patriarch who had been away all year round came back, announced that he was his younger brother's son, acknowledged his cousin's status, and asked him to follow his cousin to Xuanye Academy to study.

Everything was muddled, and Di Kongxuan didn't like this feeling of being out of control.

"However, I heard that Xuanye College is the place with the most talents in the entire continent, maybe the master can find the answer there." You Yuan said.

Di Kongxuan lowered his eyes and slowly clenched his fists.

It was for this reason that he agreed to go there.

I hope I don't disappoint him.

"Are you asleep?" Di Mingkun's voice came from outside the door.

You Yuan returned to the spirit pet space, Di Kongxuan got up and opened the door, saw that he had changed into his daytime law enforcement team clothes, and now he was wearing a black cloak, as if he was about to go out.

"Put it on." Di Mingkun handed him another cloak in his hand, "Take you somewhere."

The two walked forward at night without bringing the rest of the entourage, and soon came to a huge ship-shaped building.The building is as tall as a city wall, and the lights are brilliant. People who come and go are wearing black cloaks, and they show a finger puller when they go in and out. Just the moment the two stopped, there were three people who didn't pull their fingers and tried to mix in. They were beaten to death by those with advanced cultivation .

Di Kongxuan held his breath, his spiritual consciousness spread out, and found that there were at least eight auras not weaker than him hidden in this boat-shaped building.

He suppressed his cultivation in the Cangyang Continent for too long. Once he became a god, he actually passed two levels directly and entered the advanced level of the god transformation. This is something that has never happened before. At first, he didn't believe it. Familiar with your own cultivation level.

You must know that the gap between each level of cultivation in the God Transformation Stage is like a natural moat. How many people are stuck in the middle stage of the God Transformation Stage and can't make progress. Those who can jump into the advanced stage of the God Transformation Stage are unprecedented in the history of the entire Xuanye Continent. countable.

Looking at the building in front of him, Di Kongxuan became vigilant.

Di Mingkun's expression was normal, he tossed the two fingers in his hand, and walked towards the gate.

(End of this chapter)

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