Chapter 1659

At first there was a fresh fragrance, and the next moment it was hot and stimulating. Di Dudu was hit dizzy by the strong aroma of wine.

He raised his head and looked at Yue Rushuang: "My mother said, children can't drink alcohol."

"Then did your father say anything?" Yue Rushuang asked.

Di Dudu shook his head honestly.

Yue Rushuang raised her glass to take a sip, closed her eyes, and enjoyed it all over her face.After taking a sip of recollection, Fangcai leisurely said: "That's right, your mother is a girl, what kind of wine do you know? Your father didn't say anything, it means he doesn't object. Now, your godfather has spoken, he is a man, just have a drink!"

Di Dudu's small face showed precautions, he shrank his neck, and said, "Could you be trying to get me drunk and then sell me?"

Yue Rushuang sneered, raised her hand and knocked on his forehead: "If I want to sell you, I still need to get you drunk? Your mere Golden Core stage cultivation base, if you didn't follow your parents to ascend, I don’t even know where the door to Xuanye Continent is.”

Although Di Dudu felt that what he said made sense, he still refused to drink.

Yue Rushuang sighed and laughed to herself.

"Little ghost head." He snorted, took back the glazed cup in front of Di Dudu, and drank it all in one gulp.

The food was served soon, and Yue Rushuang's maid went to the back kitchen to order it herself. I don't know how many pots and pans are hidden in the maid's spirit ring. In short, the dishes, saucers, and soup bowls served are a complete set. Shensha silver.She placed the two matching chopsticks in front of the two of them, and then quietly backed away.

Di Dudu picked up the food in the bowl with his chopsticks and tasted it. He felt that his mouth had been spoiled these days, and he thought the taste of this dish was bland.

Yue Rushuang ate with relish.

"This is not tasty." Di Dudu protested.

Yue Rushuang glanced at him and took a sip of bitter wine.

Di Dudu's eyes fell on the glazed cup in his hand, and suddenly he seemed to understand something, and reached out to reach for the wine pot on the table.However, her hands were too short, the jug was placed by Yue Rushuang's hand, and she couldn't reach it no matter what.

"Uncle Yue!" Di Dudu called out.



Yue Rushuang looked serious, and said seriously: "Your mother said, children can't drink alcohol."

With a shy face, Di Dudu replied without changing his expression: "I listen to my godfather."

Eight bitter wine is paired with the dishes in the tavern. The taste of the wine is sweet and lingering after the entrance, and the hot and spicy reverberates around the walls of the mouth. Add a bite of side dishes, and the combination of the two really tastes a rare delicacy in the world.

Di Dudu was drunk, although Yue Rushuang controlled the amount of alcohol he drank, but for a child who had never drank, even one sip was enough for him.

The drunk Di Dudu is very well-behaved, and he doesn't show the slightest naughty appearance of bickering with him all day long.

Yue Rushuang carried him back to the room to rest, then went to the next room, opened the window, looked at the eerie silence of the night in the town, and touched the finger wrench on her hand.

Immediately after he jumped, he put on a black cloak in mid-air, and disappeared into the night after a while.

Duanmuyi rested overnight in the guest room prepared for her by Mr. Ge Ya, when she heard the coachman call the door, saying that she was about to leave.

While putting on her clothes, she thought wildly that the roe beast is a dangerous monster that everyone shouts to kill in the Cangyang Continent. She did not expect that after arriving in the Xuanye Continent, the roe beast that turned into a human body can only be a noble family. mounts.

Pulling carts, exploring roads, doing laundry, cooking... doing the lowest jobs.

(End of this chapter)

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