Chapter 1660

Thinking of this, she thought of the first time she met a roe beast. At that time, she and Di Kongxuan came to the human world from the Jialan clan. form.He tried his best to kill a roe deer and was injured.

In the blink of an eye, so many years have passed.

Duanmuyi shook his head, and suddenly his mind became agitated. Since he needs to register at the Feisheng registration office, Di Kongxuan and Di Dudu are no exception. If the Feisheng system is connected, then just ask Mr. Ge Ya !
She patted her head and said to herself, "Why didn't I think of it yesterday!"

Yu Tingsong lived not far from her, Duan Muyi walked into his yard, and was about to knock on the door when he heard Ge Ya and Yu Tingsong's conversation coming from inside.

Ge Ya: "There shouldn't be any fake news about this matter. The Shensha Auction Houses in various places released the news at the same time last night."

Yu Tingsong: "How did the scrolls from the Spirit Hall end up in the auction house? It's not an easy matter."

Ge Ya: "Ting Song, don't you understand what I'm talking about? It doesn't matter how the scrolls flow out now, the important thing is——"

Suddenly the coachman's voice came from outside the door: "Miss Duanmu, why are you here?"

Duanmuyi reached out and knocked on the door almost at the same time as the coachman was asking questions.

She listened so carefully that she ignored the footsteps behind her, hoping that the people inside would not be suspicious—Ge Ya seemed to be discussing some important matter with Yu Tingsong.

The door opened, Duan Muyi looked up, and it was Yu Tingsong who opened the door.

She smiled, and said with a relaxed expression: "It turns out that Mr. Ge Ya is really here, so I won't have to look for you again."

Yu Tingsong was stunned for a moment: "Are you looking for Uncle Ge Ya?"

Duanmuyi bypassed him and looked at Ge Ya.Ge Ya lowered his head slightly, unable to see his brows and eyes clearly, but Duan Muyi was very keenly aware of the slight murderous intent on Ge Ya's body.

She took a breath and said with a slight smile: "Mr. Ge Ya, please ask, are the registration systems for ascension in different places connected?"

Ge Ya replied indifferently: "It's not real-time, but you can apply to each other for inquiries, so as to avoid repeated application for household registration."

Duanmuyi's eyes lit up with joy: "Very good, then can I trouble you to help me find two people."

Ge Ya and Yu Tingsong looked at each other, and Yu Tingsong asked: "Who do you want to investigate? Just tell me."

"There are two other people ascending with me. I want to check whether there are new registrations for ascension in the near future." Duanmuyi said.

"No." Before Yu Tingsong asked in detail, Ge Ya had already answered.

Duanmuyi looked at him, and Ge Ya turned her deep gaze away from her, and said immediately: "I checked when I registered for you yesterday, and you are the only one who has registered for ascension recently."

Duanmuyi opened his mouth, his hope was raised and then dashed.

Di Dudu was still young and his cultivation level was low, so it would be fine if he didn't know how to register, but Di Kongxuan was such a big man, knowing that he would be strangled by string force if he didn't register, why didn't he register?
Yu Tingsong saw her frowning slightly, with a gloomy expression, and asked with concern: "Are you okay? Don't worry, maybe your friend hasn't had time to register yet. Ascenders have a 30-day transition period, maybe they will go in two days Registered."

"What family do they all belong to? Are they also from the Shengling clan?" Ge Ya asked.

(End of this chapter)

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