Chapter 1662

Duanmu said, "Does this kind of scuffle happen often?"

"It's not often." Yu Tingsong said, "In recent years, the cultivation of the patriarch of the Shengling Clan has stagnated. There are rumors that his end is approaching, and the five elders of the Presbyterian Church have begun to move around."

There is a lifespan of 500 years in the Transformation Stage, 1000 years in the Mahayana Stage, and in the Transcendent Stage, if there is no external force involved, it can basically be said to be immortal.

Duanmu nodded knowingly.

The change of power and position has been like this since ancient times, whether it is the human world or the cultivation world, it is the same.

The scuffle ahead was even worse. Passers-by recognized that it was the core member of the Presbyterian Church of the Shengling Clan, and they didn't dare to go up to try to persuade them to fight. Everyone was blocked for a while, and suddenly they heard a cry from above.

Yu Ting raised his eyebrows and looked up, with a look of understanding in his eyes.

Duanmuyi followed to look, and saw a slender young man jumping off the back of a flying crane, his whole body was full of spiritual energy, and a long whip transformed from spiritual energy in his palm flicked in the air, with a bang Left in the middle of the melee.

He threw a hapless ghost directly under Yu Tingsong's carriage.

The young man fell to the ground quickly after a whip, turned around briskly, and stood still.

Everything happened so fast, the people who reacted were about to curse, but when they saw who was coming, they all became dumb in an instant.

"What's going on?" The young man spoke with a bright voice, sounding like he was about Duanmuyi's age.

"Master Jiang, you are here!" One of the group of people quickly stood behind him, the leader covered his swollen side face, and said, "They said that there are owners of the purest blood among us. We hand it over!"

Hearing this, Duanmuyi's heart sank suddenly.

The four words "Pure Essence and Blood" have almost become her conditioned reflex. As soon as she said it from someone else's mouth, she felt a throbbing pain in her heart.

Wasn't it because of the pure blood that he was targeted again and again on the Cangyang Continent?
Why did this term suddenly appear again?

The young man raised his head and looked at the four groups of people on the opposite side, and said in a calm tone, "Oh? Do you suspect that our Jiang family has pure blood?"

No one on the other side dared to speak.

"Idiot." The young man sneered and scolded, "Everyone is looking for the owner. If the Jiang family really exists, will it be your turn to get it!"

Everyone: "..."

The young man continued: "The news from the Shensha Auction House was only released last night. Today you can't wait to make a move on the people around you. You are really good disciples taught by the elders."

The people behind him echoed.

Who knew that the young man turned his head and scolded them again: "You have the guts to say it?! They have no brains, so you have no brains too? How could uncle let you out of the pigsty! I Look at your IQ, you are worthy of eating and sleeping with those lowly monsters in the family!"

Duanmuyi figured out a general idea from his few words.

Something must have happened last night that led to the so-called owner of the pure blood essence. Now it is estimated that most people are looking for that owner in an attempt to obtain the pure blood essence.

There was a burst of panic in her heart.

Now that Di Kongxuan and Di Dudu are missing, and their life and death are unknown, she has the pure blood that everyone desires. Once she is discovered, she doesn't have to think about the consequences.

(End of this chapter)

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