Chapter 1663

Soon the brawlers dispersed, and the young man turned around and walked towards their carriage.

He walked up to the carriage and kicked away the person she had thrown beside the carriage, without even looking at him, he raised his head and smiled slightly: "Teacher Yu."

"I'm not in the academy, so there's no need to call him that." Yu Tingsong and him held each other's salutes, "Is Young Master Jiang also reporting back to the academy?"

Young Master Jiang nodded, and his eyes fell on the person beside him: "This girl is—"

Duanmuyi was about to answer when she heard Yu Tingsong answering for her: "She is a casual cultivator of the Baicao Clan. I think she is very talented, so I took her to the academy as a teaching assistant. Xiaoyi, this is the first student of the Shengling Clan. Jiang Shao is only one day."

"Jiang Shao?" Duanmu asked politely, "Dare to ask your name?"

Jiang Shao: "..."

Yu Tingsong laughed loudly: "The surname is Jiang and the name is Shao. Jiang Shao is his real name, not some honorific title."

Duanmuyi made a fuss and shrank back a little embarrassed.

When she heard the names of those people before, she thought that Young Master Jiang was the abbreviation of Young Master Jiang, but she didn't expect the name to be this.

Jiang Shaojian exchanged a few words with Yu Tingsong, his sharp eyes swept across Duanmuyi's body, and he left.

His gaze was exactly the same as Mr. Ge Ya's gaze that he met in the morning.

Full of doubts and temptations.

After Jiang Shao left, the road was cleared, and the roe deer turned into a prototype again, pulling the cart and leaving here.

After a short silence, Duanmu asked: "Why do you say that I am a casual cultivator of the Baicao clan?"

Yu Tingsong raised his eyes, with a look of apology on his face, and said softly: "Sorry, I made the decision without your consent. A major event that caused a sensation in the entire continent happened last night. At this juncture, you have just ascended. If you rashly admit One's own identity can easily arouse the suspicion of others."

"I heard—Shensha Auction House?"

Yu Tingsong was silent, as if he didn't know how to explain.

After a while, he said: "Anyway, I won't harm you. You have to trust me. Giving you the teaching assistant status will also help you enter Xuanye College. Don't worry, since I saved you, I won't let you Something happened to you."

"Don't you doubt?" Duanmuyi stared at him closely, "What if I am the owner of the pure blood essence they say?"

Hearing this, Yu Tingsong smiled relievedly: "Perhaps in the eyes of the world, the purest blood has a huge attraction. But I dare say that no one in the entire Baicao clan will covet it."

Duanmuyi pursed his lips, pulled out a faint smile, and didn't say whether he believed it or not.

No matter what, she had to protect herself until she found Di Kongxuan.

Soon, the carriage arrived in a valley outside the city.The valley is surrounded by cliffs, and there is only one passage, which can only be entered with a flight ticket issued by the Qingyue Clan.

This was the first time Duanmuyi saw the legendary flying monster.

Among the seven major tribes in the Xuanye Continent, the Qingyue Clan has single-handedly controlled the three-line transportation of the entire continent, land, sea and air, and flying monsters are their main source of income.

"There are a total of 38 flying monster mark points in the entire continent controlled by the Qingyue Clan, including all tribes." Yu Tingsong introduced to her as he walked, "You probably didn't know that when you first came here, there are Nansha and Beiyue in Xuanye Continent. It is said that the Qingyue Clan in the north and the Chensha Clan in the south are rivals, and they are both big business clans."

(End of this chapter)

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