Chapter 1664

Duanmuyi can be considered well-informed, but even she was still too surprised to open her mouth when she saw the take-off and landing point of the flying monster in front of her.

In her opinion, this area is comparable to the international airports she had seen in her previous life.

And this is only 38/[-] of the marking points of the Qingyue Clan.

"The Qingyue clan relies on transportation, but what does the Chensha clan rely on?" Duanmuyi asked.

Yu Tingsong handed over the two flight tickets, and the steward in charge of reception stretched out two hands to take them, but behind him, there were actually eight hands receiving the flight tickets handed from different directions!

Raising monsters, relying on monsters to make money, and then using monsters to manage industries in various places... Duanmuyi became more and more interested in the so-called Qingyue Clan.

The two boarded a flying monster, and a simple barrier was set up on it. Inside the barrier, there were only a simple couch, two chairs, and a tea set.Duanmuyi looked at the people next to him, some were the same as them, and some were another kind of giant monsters in groups, which could accommodate dozens of people.

This is probably the difference between economy class and VIP class?
Duanmu thought about it and laughed himself.

"The Shensha tribe relies on the auction house, silk and satin shop, and is also the largest shareholder of Jinshiju." Yu Tingsong said with a smile, "You haven't been to Jinshiju, right? It's one of the best restaurants in the entire Xuanye Continent. Next time I'll take you to taste it."

Duanmu's heart skipped a beat.

Thinking of the ointment and cloak he put on himself just now, and saying that he would not hurt himself, and now he said that he would treat her to dinner... These things revealed such a weirdness from head to toe...

No way!

Duanmuyi is not a person who is easy to pretend to be passionate, but Yu Tingsong's actions make her feel weird.

"Cough—how soon can we get to Xuan Ye College?" Duan Muyi changed the subject.

Yu Tingsong smiled and said, "About three days."


Di Kongxuan hadn't spoken a word to anyone since he woke up in the morning, and Di Mingkun's attitude was also a little strange.But the strangeness of these two people is not a day or two, and no one in the accompanying team cares too much.

At this time, there was only one day's journey away from the Baicao Clan, the people who had delivered the greeting cards had already returned, and the convoy started again.

Di Kongxuan leaned against the car window, gently turning the wrench in his palm.

The Shensha Auction House that Di Mingkun took him to last night really opened his eyes. All kinds of exercises, treasures, and monsters emerged one after another. The most sensational news was the last moment of the auction, which came from the Shensha Clan Headquarters. that news.

The spiritual consciousness of the spiritual hall changed, and a mysterious scroll from the spiritual hall flowed into the auction house. It recorded the practice of combining the spiritual consciousness and bones of the undead!
There is only one way to combine spiritual consciousness and bones into one - pure blood!

The hoarse cry of the auctioneer of the auction house still echoed in his ears: "The second news, this auction house will give it to everyone for free! The owner of the pure blood essence has appeared! Who got the pure blood essence , it is equivalent to getting a way to revive the superhuman powerhouse in the Hall of Spirits!"

"Spirit Hall...the superpowers at the extraordinary stage—" Di Kongxuan keenly sensed that behind the whole incident, there was a huge black hand that was pushing the peace of Xuanye Continent for thousands of years into the abyss.

The convoy went all the way to the Baicao Clan, and had already witnessed dozens of private fights, most of which came from fellow travelers.

Everyone began to look suspiciously at the people around them, suspecting that the owner of the pure blood was by their side.

(End of this chapter)

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