Chapter 1670

The yawning boss raised his head, rubbed his eyes, weakly dragged a menu from the side, and threw it on the table: "Look for yourself... yo, who is this beauty? Come here, sit here, ahhh Your arrival really makes the shop flourish, buddy, come and pour tea!"

Duanmu said: "..."

Yu Tingsong pinched the thief's hand that he wanted to hug Duanmuyi, and flung it aside: "It's just as usual, and there's no need for tea."

Teacher Huagui chuckled, turned around and ordered the kitchen to turn on the fire to cook, then dragged a bench and sat down on the side: "Could this girl be brother Yu's—a bosom friend?"

"Ahem!" Duanmuyi quickly waved his hands, "You misunderstood, I am a teaching assistant."

"Oh~ teaching assistant——" Teacher Hua Gui said with a long voice, laughing, "I understand, I understand."

Duanmu said: "..."

Do you really understand?
But if Duanmuyi knew that Yu Tingsong never used teaching assistants, he might understand why Teacher Huagui showed such an expression.


"The freshmen's dormitory is over there." At the fork in the road, Di Mingkun stopped and pointed a way, "I'll go back to the law enforcement team, you can go there by yourself."

Di Kongxuan nodded slightly, watching Di Mingkun leave.

After they left the Baicao Clan, they came here by flying monsters. They thought they would arrive in the daytime, but they miscalculated the time needed on the road and missed the report during the day, so they had to wait until tomorrow to make up for it.

Di Kongxuan glanced at the wooden sign in his hand, which said his dormitory.

Jiashe Ziheyuan Xuanhao room.

Just about to pass by, a strange voice suddenly came from behind: "Hey, this classmate, classmate, wait for me!"

Di Kongxuan turned a deaf ear.

Unexpectedly, after the hurried footsteps, a person grabbed his sleeve, panting and said: "I, I, I told you to wait for me... You, you didn't, didn't you hear it!"

Di Kongxuan looked down at him, his eyes fell on his hands, and his eyes became colder.

The man retracted his hand embarrassingly, and said again: "Well, can you do me a favor?"

Seeing him pointing back, Di Kongxuan turned his head to look, the corners of his eyes twitched.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he really couldn't believe that someone would actually drag his family to school with a mountain of luggage.

Wait, what is that moving thing!
A place in the luggage mountain arched, and immediately a puppy that was only hit by his fist poked its head out, its black nose shrugged, and it came close to Dikongxuan's feet.

The pink tongue was sticking out flatteringly, and a pair of bright eyes like black grapes looked at him shiningly.

"Dudiu, don't run around." The man knelt down and picked up the puppy, scratched its chin, and the puppy whimpered comfortably.

The man smiled at Di Kongxuan, "Hello, classmate. My name is Lan Yao, and I'm from the Canghai tribe. This is my spiritual pet, Diudiu. It's very obedient and won't bite."

Di Kongxuan: "..."

Spiritual pets don't bite, so why raise them?Are you cute?
"Why don't you talk?" Lan Yao asked, "Can you help me carry my luggage? I really can't carry it anymore."

Di Kongxuan took another look at the luggage, and said with a cold face after a long time, "No."

Lan Yao and Ling Chong looked at him eagerly.


Di Kongxuan took out a spirit ring and threw it to him: "I'll give it to you."

"Ah, that's great!" Lan Yao took it in a hurry, put the spirit pet on her shoulders, and then put all the clothes, bedding, pots, pans, books, boxes, calligraphy into the spirit ring.

(End of this chapter)

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