Chapter 1671

Seeing Di Kongxuan standing where he was, Lan Yao picked up the spirit ring and followed him: "You are also a freshman, right? I live in Jiashe Ziheyuan, how about you?"

Di Kongxuan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Oh?" It turned out to be a classmate and roommate.

"I'm laughing, I originally had a spirit ring, but it was stolen by a thief on the way. I'm ashamed to say that the thief erased the imprint of my soul after stealing it, and found that it was full of these things, and then came back to me. Give me all the things back." Lan Yao's tone was a little emotional, as if she still felt that the thief was a good thief.

Di Kongxuan didn't want to speak anymore.

"By the way, I'll treat you to something to eat later!" Lan Yao became excited again, "In addition to Jinshiju, there are many small restaurants here that taste very good."

In front of Di Kongxuan's eyes, there was already a guiding sign for Jiashe.

Lan Yao on the side tugged at his sleeve and said, "Look at that person, he is Yu Tingsong who ranks fourth in the Spirit Hall! He is a spiritual pharmacist. He graduated last year and was hired as our freshman's pharmacist this year." The class teacher is also the person in charge of the Seventh Department of Alchemists, he is amazing."

Di Kongxuan looked up.

A restaurant not far away didn't look as lively as the ones I saw before. There was a silver light inside, and a young man in a long white gown was sitting by the window. His appearance was somewhat similar to that of Yu Qiongshan. Eyebrows are more gentle.

For some reason, Di Kongxuan suddenly felt a little restless.

"Who is the girl sitting across from Yuting Song? She looks really good-looking." Lan Yao said again.

Di Kongxuan had already hurried past.

Lan Yao hurriedly chased after her: "Why are you walking so fast, wait for me!"

The kitchen in the restaurant finished cooking the dishes and brought them up plate by plate.Duanmuyi was indeed a little hungry, so he took a piece of fried spring roll in front of him to taste.

As soon as she took a sip, her face immediately turned red.

"Drink some water." Yu Tingsong was already prepared and handed over a glass of water.

Duanmuyi rinsed his mouth, but felt that his tongue was about to lose sensation.

Teacher Huagui asked excitedly, "Is it delicious? Have another one?"

"No, no, no..." Duanmu waved his hands again and again, and asked tactfully, "Is this the new dish you researched?"

Teacher Huagui said proudly: "This is our signature dish!"

Duanmu said: "..."

No wonder this restaurant is so deserted, this signature dish is probably used to make trouble.

The rest of the dishes looked normal on the surface, but Yu Tingsong didn't take a bite, and Duanmuyi didn't dare to put down his chopsticks.

After she finished drinking a cup of tea, she turned her head inadvertently, but saw a familiar figure from behind.

Di Kongxuan!
Duanmuyi knocked over the chair behind her and chased out the door, but when she chased to the intersection, there was no one on either side.

"It's him, it must be him!"

Although it was only a glimpse of the back, Duanmuyi firmly believed that he was right.

The waiting and searching along the way was very torturous, but fortunately, fortunately, she finally waited for him back!At this moment, a stone that had been hanging in Duanmu Yi's heart fell silently to the ground.

There was silence.

Behind him, Yu Tingsong chased after him: "What's wrong?"

"It seems... I saw an acquaintance." Duanmuyi said.

Yu Ting was relieved: "Are those two who ascended together with you?"

Duanmuyi didn't know if Didudu was there, but no matter what, it was good news to see Dikongxuan.

(End of this chapter)

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