Chapter 1672

"That direction seems to be where the Jiashe is, and it's where the best young children of the seven major tribes live. If it's really your friend, I'm afraid the status is not simple." Yu Tingsong said.

"I'm not too sure, maybe." Duanmuyi's voice became much more relaxed and cheerful.

Yu Tingsong didn't ask any more questions, it would be presumptuous to ask any more.

He turned to say: "Since the restaurant you picked is not delicious, can you listen to me and go to Jinshiju to have a taste?"

Duanmu smiled slightly: "Since you recommend Jin Shiju so much, then I'd rather be respectful than obedient."

The two turned around and walked back, came to the first intersection, and entered Jin Shiju.

The decoration in Jinshiju is mainly in the style of fishermen. Yu Tingsong said that it is because the Shensha people are located by the sea, and whether it is an auction house or other industries, there is a strong atmosphere of the sea.

The two went up to the second floor, asked for a booth, and were about to order, when they heard someone from a table not far away say hello: "Hey, isn't this Teacher Yu from the Baicao Clan?"

It's fine if they greet each other normally, there are not a few people who call friends when school starts every year, but this tone is really yin and yang, which makes diners on the second floor look over here.

This was unbearable, and almost half of the people fell silent strangely.

Duan Muyi turned his head to look, but saw a young man in black sitting at the table over there. He looked younger than Di Kongxuan, with a pair of strange-colored pupils with an inexplicable smile, extremely evil.

He was raising his glass, beckoning to her.

The smile on Yu Tingsong's face faded slightly, and he immediately raised his wine glass in return.

"So it's the Second Young Master Mo."

The Moyue clan is the most powerful clan among the seven major clans. There are four members of the Mo family, father and son, each of whom is the favored son of heaven, and any one of them can be alone.

It's just... the second Mo in front of me, Mo Lingyu, is a ruthless character.

Among the students of Xuanye Academy, who doesn't know him?

Who dares to provoke him?

"I don't know if I'm lucky enough to have dinner with you two?" Mo Lingyu squeezed into their table with a wine glass in hand.

When Duanmuyi was stared at by him, she felt goosebumps all over her body, and a chill ran up her back, as if being wrapped around her neck by a poisonous snake.

She didn't know Mo Er, but she clearly felt that this man was coming for her.

"This girl is new, I've never seen her before." Mo Lingyu smiled at Duanmuyi.

Duanmuyi said calmly: "I am a mediocre member of the Baicao clan, how could the Second Young Master Mo have seen me?"

"Isn't it?" Mo Lingyu laughed softly, "Are you really from the Baicao clan?"

Yu Tingsong put down his wine glass, and said in a warm voice, "If Second Young Master Mo is here to have dinner, then Mr. Yu welcomes you. If you are here to test something, please come back."

It was very rude to say this sentence from Yu Tingsong's mouth.

A look of cruelty flashed across Mo Lingyu's eyes, he subconsciously licked his lips, and said, "Why is it a temptation? I just think that I will never forget the beauty of the world, and a peerless posture like this girl is unreasonable." I've never seen it before."

"Then it seems that Second Young Master Mo is too short-sighted." Duanmuyi responded with a smile.

All three people at the table laughed, but each had their own thoughts.

The dishes came, breaking the weird atmosphere, Yu Tingsong recommended Jinsi Honey Soup, Duanmuyi tasted it, it tasted really good, the two talked in low voice, tasted the food, completely ignored Mo Lingyu.

(End of this chapter)

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