Chapter 1673

That night, Xuanye Academy will hold a grand freshmen party.

Yu Tingsong was called by the dean early in the morning to arrange the party. He left his meal card to Duanmuyi, and he could go out of various places of the college with this card.

Duanmuyi got up early and practiced for two hours, feeling hungry, so he found a random restaurant to fill his stomach, and then walked aimlessly in the college.

"I heard that the top nine masters in the Spirit Hall will all be there tonight!"

"Why is it the Ninth University? Isn't it the top ten?"

"There is only number two, there is no number one. I heard that the Hall of Spirits refused to recognize number one, and no one knows why. However, it is an honor to meet number two!"

"Yeah, I heard that the person who ranks second in the Spirit Hall never shows up, it's very mysterious!"

Duanmuyi walked slowly, and five girls passed by her chattering.

That's right, the Spirit Hall!
She chased after her and grabbed a girl: "Excuse me, where is the Spirit Hall?"

The girl who was pulled back turned her head, her round face looked delicate and cute.She took a look at Duanmuyi, and pointed to a tall tower in the north: "See if you see that, it's the Spirit Hall."

Duanmuyi turned his head to look, and saw a towering tower building located in the north of Xuanye College, the highest tower was surrounded by clouds and mist.

The news about the purest blood flowed out from the Spirit Hall and flowed into the auction house.

She had to find a way to find out who leaked the news.

No one knows whether the so-called pure blood essence can have the legendary effect of bringing the dead back to life, let alone whether it is really possible to combine the spiritual consciousness and bones of the superpowers into one.

Duanmu felt vaguely that this was a game against her.

How could it be such a coincidence that the news came out the moment she arrived as a god.

As she thought about it, she had already walked towards the north.

"Is it Miss Yi?" A clear voice suddenly came from behind.

Duanmuyi looked back, was taken aback for a moment, and immediately asked, "Young Master Jiang?"

"It's me." Jiang Shao smiled, looked at him and asked, "Are you lost?"

Duanmu thought for a while, now that everyone has opened their eyes, they are waiting to catch the owner of the pure blood essence. If she said that she was going to the Spirit Hall, the person in front of her must have doubts.

So he smiled and said, "Yes, Xuanye Academy is too big."

Jiang Shao nodded sympathetically: "Where are you going, let me take you there?"

Duanmuyi didn't think about it, and immediately said: "I wanted to find Yu Tingsong."

"Teacher Yu should be at the venue, this way." After Jiang Shao said, he took the lead and walked away.

It wasn't until they walked a long way that two people came out from the garden behind them.

Lan Yao patted her chest and let out a sigh of relief: "Jiang Shao is the most cautious person. He greeted you just now, but your attitude was so indifferent. Be careful that he will trip you up in the future."

The tall man standing beside him was dressed in a well-tailored uniform for freshmen, with long purple hair and deep phoenix eyes, as delicate as a meticulous painting.

Who is it if it's not Di Kongxuan!

Di Kongxuan's gaze followed the two away, his brows slightly frowned, thoughtful.

That woman looks familiar, but she can't remember where she met her.

"Brother Kongxuan, are you listening to me again?" Lan Yao chirped, "Ah, don't you have a crush on that girl just now? That's what I told you the night before, the beautiful woman sitting opposite Yuting Song Ah! She is very beautiful, isn't she! She and Yu Tingsong are together, maybe they are also teachers, wow, teacher-student love, it's very exciting to think about it!"

(End of this chapter)

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